Where did you learn to talk like that
I was sent this a while back and find it right humorous.
If you don't, keep your complaint to yourself. This is the "Just For Fun" area! Okay? 
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Where did you learn to talk like that
Post the link so we can all have a little humor.......
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Where did you learn to talk like that
Thanks for letting me know the link did not post.
I did get it corrected in the original post.
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Where did you learn to talk like that
Wound up a yankee, but not too bad with a decent percentage southern. Must have picked that up when I lived in South Carolina.
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Where did you learn to talk like that
"14% Dixie. Wow! You are a Duke of Yankeedom!"
Hmmm, It looks like a few years in SC, FL, and VA had an effect on me.
I did get lots of "common around Great Lakes" though, maybe the test doesn't take into account that there's a whole other country up here. .
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Where did you learn to talk like that
35% Dixie here. Not sure how that happened, all my time in the south was spent in Arizona and California.
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Where did you learn to talk like that
97% Dixie. Is General Lee my grandfather?!
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Where did you learn to talk like that
Are you all telling me it only grades you are how Southern you are? I honestly did not realize that. At same time have no idea who put this together. I think it is just good humor.
But Col. Billy how are you doing? There are many waiting to welcome you! =) (hope that means smiling) I did not do that good trying. I suspect we none sound just like we think we do. Did you realize that Arlington Cemetery was Gen Robert E Lee’s farm or plantation which ever term you prefer? Isn’t it ironic for that to be one of the most respected pieces of ground of this great nation and a place where many of it’s great people are laid to rest? But when you study the man, he was a great man himself.
I find people vary more not by the part of the country (even the big open one), rather whether they grew up on a rural area, small town or large city.
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Where did you learn to talk like that
KT: The nearly a year I've spent here has taken a toll on me as a northener---aside from the sun-induced dizzy spells, profuse sweating, and thinning blood. I found out I'm 36% Dixie, but definitely a Yankee. Whew! I wuz gittin' scared dare fer a minit. One time I was gonna look up my family tree but the monkey crapped on me. 'magine that?
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