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The travel bug
Ok guys here's the deal.
As most of you know I'm a pilot. However, due to some medical issues the last few years have never gotten a few license endorsements I want to have. Oddly enough I am qualified on military hardware, but not civilian stuff??!!
So with the final medical having been now cleared, and the requisite period of time having passed since any problems, I have the green light to do them now.
So, the plan is to spend some time this fall on the left coast, in Vancouver actually, working on my further endorsements with a friend of mine who runs an air charter service out there. I plan on being out there a month to six weeks. During that time I will do some travelling up and down the coast, especially since I have family in southern California that I don't get to see very often. Including a cousin who has just retired as an airborne officer with the CHP and now works as a commercial pilot down there.
Also while there I will undoubtedly find my way to just south of Portland, Oregon, to an aircraft manufacturer based there. I am *very* seriously looking at buying one of their planes this year.
So, anybody on or near the left coast, or, if I take my own plane out west, those along the north border states, that live near an airport, make contact with me, either on this thread, or by PM, and if I can find my way to your locale, I'll even buy the first coffee!!
BTW, southerners in the east fear not, you have not been left out of the equation!! I plan on coming home via the long way around, the left coast to central CA, then east through the desert and tornado belt, south into Fl, and the Carolina's to see some old buddies, then up the right coast and home.
Best of luck.
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The travel bug
I live 3 miles from the Carson City Airport, should your travels take you into the Sierra Nevada or Lake Tahoe.
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The travel bug
Hey Murf, I'm 25 minutes from the Hillsboro airport (about 25 miles or so west of PDX) and would enjoy meeting you. There's a smaller glider field even closer. I'll have to ask my brother what the name of it is, he got his pilots license and was planning to land there.
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The travel bug
I am in St. Marys Ga. It is right on the border with Florida. When you fly over the St. Marys River (the border) it is about 2 miles to the airport, its right on the coast. You flew over me a few months ago, stop in this time. Love to meet you I'll send the telephone number via e-mail.
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The travel bug
You probably could manage a good trip just by stopping in to see part of those at TP that would like to host you for a meal or such.
God Bless,
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The travel bug
Murf, I checked and there are two airstrips slightly closer than Hillsboro but they are both private. Landing at Hillsboro shouldn't be a problem. Hope you find time in your schedule for a stop here.
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The travel bug
Just wondering, are you a US citizen?
Are you visiting all these places lining up your run for President?
Just thinking about how many states you are planning on visiting. 
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The travel bug
Kenneth, I do indeed have 2 passports.
No, no fear of me running as El Jeffe, I just felt the need to leave town now that Slick Willy from Little Rock is here in Toronto for the big aids conference....
It was quite a moving speech he made the opening day, "I do not believe in the practice unsafe sex, as defined ...".
Ken, what are the names of the smaller airstrips you mentioned? I have a database that lists all airports that are open to the public.
Best of luck.
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The travel bug
Murf, one is called the North Plains Gliderport and the other is called Sunset something-or-other. The gliderport is usually used for glider takeoff and landing for paying customers.
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The travel bug
Hey Murf, if you need a couple of shorter practice runs The Syracuse airport is just over an hour away. The Hamilton airport is fifteen minutes away and the Chennango is about thirty minutes away. I guess it depends on if you are flying a Piper Cub which we could have land two minutes away on two private strips or a 727! Your always welcome here.
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