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Curious - what s a Foton tractor
Some place south of Des Moines has been advertising Foton tractors for dirt cheap. Anyone know anything about them? Kinda goofy looking like a early 80's style with some Star Trek influence. But I'm just curious. I won't give up the green cause my wife would be unhappy and that's bad.
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Curious - what s a Foton tractor
Maybe this will help.
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Curious - what s a Foton tractor
Oh....my....Gawd. It's my New Holland TC33D Boomer! (Kenny! STOP rolling on the ground laughing---NOT nice.)
It's a marriage of the last-generation plastic hood with the metal fenders from an Economy. Looks like it's got a different engine though since the muffler is on the other side and goes above the hood.
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Curious - what s a Foton tractor
Can you say, Chinese Foton Torpedoes )
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Curious - what s a Foton tractor
Seems your wife is smart on tractors. If mine had her way our's probbly would have been picked green, but they were allowed to matured, so they are orange.
It is good you are beginning to see the error of the path you are traveling.
Could Foton be Chianese for: First One To Own Naught? Just asking.
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Curious - what s a Foton tractor
Here I thought is was some clever Swedish design of ultra-modern tractor that was kind of lumpy to sit on but folded out into a sort of bed if you had overnight guests that you didn't want to be *too* comfortable.
Bet they'd be popular with college kids though, they might not miss the old farm so much.....
Best of luck.
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