cure for leg cramps
I was reading a post on this site I think about some work some members were doing on their summer home/camp. There was a mention of some supplement he took to eliminate leg cramps. I tried to find it again and could not find it.
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cure for leg cramps
Calcium and potassium. My dad used to get leg cramps all the time and these supplements helped him a lot.
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cure for leg cramps
Those are the minerals you usually lose through sweat hence sports drinks contain them to cut down on cramping. Drinkiung water is nice, but just replaces fluid, not the needed minerals you lose.
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cure for leg cramps
I take those and they haven't helped much.
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cure for leg cramps
My neighbor takes Quinine pills for cramps. He says he can also drink tonic water which has Quinine in it.
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cure for leg cramps
Just started with the Quinine pills and they have helped me after four nights of using them. Taste terrible. I also find orange juice is best for drinking when sweated out.
Some things I have heard people using have to be taken in such high dosages it concerned my doc.
In a surgeon's office a while back, he had a sign up that leg cramps could be a sign of vessel disease 5 years before it showed. Could be off on the wording here but it was a serious warning.
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cure for leg cramps
Sounds like if you put your feet up every evening for a few hours before turning in, and took several glasses of Tonic Water, with a little Gin mixed in it, the botanicals in it does wonders, you might not have any problems with leg cramps.
Either that or you'd sleep so soundly you wouldn't care or notice them.
Best of luck.
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cure for leg cramps
Not to mention the fact that you would also be immune to malaria - now there is a reason to drink!
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cure for leg cramps
KT is absolutely right, you need to get your cardiovascular parameters checked out, the sooner the better. It's one of those things that don't bother you too much until it's too late.
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cure for leg cramps
I agree, you should get it checked out!
That is a sign of poor blood flow that leads to amputitis. Nerve damage can also give similar discomfort that is permanent from a vitamin C deficiency. Are you legs or heels either cold feeling by touch or your body telling you that they feel hot?
Eat banannas, drink orange juice and don't lock you knees when resting them in an elevated situation. If you drive allot, take your billfold out of your rear pocket.
I'm not much for taking pills unless you have to, the long term side affects are generally worse than the original problem.
Dr. Yooper
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