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Pressure washer question
"I am mostly interested in being able to flush the toilets without having to fire up a 10KW genset for such a small chore."
Then... go outside and you won't have to flush :0
Or you could put that pesky pile of bricks to use (read: brick sh--- house).
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Pressure washer question
Mark, if you have some room in your attic you should consider installing a tank up there. A friend did this years ago, he lives in a rural area and loses power for a few hours regularly.
Basically it is like a huge toilet tank, when the water drops below the set point, which is only after the power goes out and some water has been used, and there is power to the well pump, the tank tops itself off, IE right after a power failure so it's ready for the next one. When there is no electricity, all he has to do is open a second valve behind his toilet to allow the water to flow down by gravity into the toilet tank.
It is not the normal full pressure, so it doesn't flush like normal, but it beats starting the genset, or carrying buckets of water.
It doesn't take much of a tank to flush a modern low-flow toilet a bunch of times!!
Best of luck.
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Pressure washer question
OK... in order:
Running the well pump from an inverter: The sucker is 325 feet down and has lots of ponies. Near as I can measure, takes about 7kw to kick it into action. That was the determining factor for selecting a 10kw PTO generator.
Silver car: that would be the wifes Camry.
The pile of bricks being put to a new use: See above reference to WIFE, (not to mention the other females in the household).
Attic: wish I had one. A basement would be nice also. I live in the worlds biggest mine shack, slab on grade, vaulted ceilings and exposed beams through-out.
And I forgot to mention.... it is a 15 mile round trip to the car wash.
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Pressure washer question
Mark, I presume your good wife is not going to accept a water tank on the roof as well as Zsazsa Gabor did on Green Acres?? .... .
Ollyvah, vee need vater Ollyvah!!!......
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Pressure washer question
We may live in the boonies, but she has maintained some of her standards.
I am thinking I might have to resort to tiny amounts of chlorine (Bleach) to keep my water tanks from clogging up with algae.
Anybody out there have a reference as to the proper mixture rate?
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Pressure washer question
Mark, based on the issues I have with my pool, and being at 45° north lattitude, I can tell you, you will not like the amount required to 'sterilize' standing water.
Your best bet is to consult a pool supply company which is where you will get the cheapest supply of chlorine anyways. Since Household Bleach is 5 1/4% Sodium Hypochlorite, Liquid Pool Chlorine is 12 1/2% Sodium Hypochlorite.
I'll try not to make this a chemistry dissertation, but here goes. Pool chlorine is 12% sodium hypochlorite, which also can be expressed as 120,000 parts per million (PPM). Household bleach is approximately 5% or 50,000 ppm. In order to sterilze water for safe use in a pool you need about 6000 ppm. If you diluted pool chlorine, 1 part of bleach to 19 parts of pure water, you would end up with solution strength of 6000 ppm. In order to sterilze water for safe use in a pool you need about 6000 ppm.
For drinking water you would want way less than that, but for storage of water, not being potable water, that would be a good starting point.
Best of luck.
Best of luck.
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Pressure washer question
Drinking water should not be over 20ppm chlorine (wt/wt).
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Pressure washer question
Good info.... the usage is to drip irrigate on far corners of my land.
I don't want to hurt the plants... tomatoes in this case.... and I leave the tanks in place for a week or longer. After a couple of days the algae plugs up the tiny orifice in the control drip valve.
So the balance point is to use just enough to keep the green goop under control but hopefully not poison the fruit.
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Pressure washer question
Or use that # 46 B/H and bury a tank in the yard where the water will stay cold enough to retard the algae growth in the first place.
Ann is right about the level of chlorine in potable water.
However I know from experience that 6,000 ppm does not kill my grass or the apple trees when they get soaked on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure that much would make you clean as a whistle inside & out though if you drank it. .
Best of luck.
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Pressure washer question
My Labrador pup drank alot of pool water when we were teaching him to swim and his stool quickly turned white when it dried in the sun afterwards. So oh yeah it will clean you out quite nicely.
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