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Belly up
Wishing everyone an enjoyable Turkey day! Tum's anyone?
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Belly up
Thanks Art, you too. I'l take one or two. mmmm--cherry!
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Belly up
I've spent the last 15 months losing 75 lbs. Time to go put some back on. yum, yum Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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Belly up
Happy turkey day to everyone. I was lucky enough to shoot a turkey last weekend while deer hunting, so we are going to deep fry it up today.
Enjoy your time with your family and friends today.
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Belly up
Hey Ken,
I have been working on taking the pounds off also, 17 so far in four weeks, it feels great, another 15 to 20 to go, so today is a day of eating well but only the no sugar, no refined flour, no high fat.
Well I get to eat alot of the rest anyway !
Happy Holiday to all,
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Belly up
In the south we either deep fry or barbeque everything. I like the deep fried turkeys, but I am sure the cholesterol levels will not. I have the turkey on the spit in the barbeque as we write. Makes the meat taste like smoked turkey. Makes the left overs nice and moist. Now I just have to smell it for 4 or 5 hours.
Happy Belated Thanks Giving Everyone.
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Belly up
Speaking of the south and deep frying, some friends down he-ah deep fried a turkey AND dinner rolls to boot. Surprising they tasted good and were very lite--well almost. They tasted like an unglazed doughnut. And they deep fry sliced pickles (very salty) and Snickers bars he-ah too. And Twinkies. Who'dathunk? I wonder if there's any connection to the obesity problem that's in the news he-ah.
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