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 12-01-2006, 22:05 Post: 137502

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 Old School Snow Removal

Ok, so my movers ran late and instead of being done on Wednesday, they get done at 4:15 pm Thursday. I need to clean the house then drive to Milwaukee from Iowa. I hit the road at 6:15 pm finally. I call my wife (who is in WI already) and have her check the radar on the 'puter. Dang, gotta re-route north to stay out of Illinois.

So anyway, bust ass, beat the storm. Roll in at midnight. Now, I am living with my parents with my wife, child and two dogs. I own a JD 4310 tractor, an 8 hp two stage snow blower, an ATV with a plow. It snows like hell here where we got 10"-12". So how do we clear snow?

Old School

All my stuff is in storage. My parents have a single stage snow blower. The snow is wet. The single stage blowers just clog up. It's going old school with shovels. So I spent 4 days packing, moving stuff and cleaning. I can relax... wrong!!! Go shovel wet snow.

We could only laugh at all the snow removal equipment that is owned by myself and my parents and there we were shoveling the driveway while the neighbor kids dove head first into the snowbank.

Have fun yaw'll. It's winter time in the midwest! Sure looks pretty out.

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 12-02-2006, 08:09 Post: 137509

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 Old School Snow Removal

My back hurts even reading this!

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 12-04-2006, 07:44 Post: 137545

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 Old School Snow Removal

Sometimes, just using you finger to dial a phone number from the yellowpages or local paper to get a dude to do it for you is best. Then just sit back and relax. Sounds like you've earned a vacation!

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 12-04-2006, 21:22 Post: 137581

Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Wisconsin
TractorPoint Premium Member -- 5 Tractors = Very Frequent Poster
Posts: 1288
 Old School Snow Removal

I told my mom that Friday night. Her snow blower is pretty small and the wet snow was too much. I went home and returned with my my blower. Drove thru all that crap and finally got her driveway done. Here is the best part. She comes out with a $10 bill LMFAO. I said, what is that????" She said, "I dont want you to do all that work for nothin, I told her with the sternest look I could give my mom, " If you were going to pay for your snow to be romoved than I would rather you pay a PRO , i AM DOIN IT CAUSE YOUR MY MOM, i HAVE A JOB! She was not happy with me! Although she was very happy her drifts were knocked down and out of the way! BTW, The snow plow had the driveway 42" deep with snow a roughly 6 feet long/wide. That woulda killed me by hand shoveling!
I feel for you Iowafun
Call me I am about 35 miles south of you right now

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