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Reporting SPAM might work
For years I have been forwarding any spam I've received to uce at ftc dot gov. (uce is unsolicited commercial email). Some of the spam is pornographic in nature. Today I received an email inquiry about some spam I reported in 2004. The FBI is actually investigating the company who sent out this spam under the CAN-SPAM law that was signed in 2003. The wheels of justice turn slow but maybe they'll nail one. If you choose to report spam too, just FORWARD the spam message received as an ATTACHMENT to uce at ftc dot gov. Forwarding it as an attachment will insure that all email headers will remain intact which helps to track down the path the message took before arriving in your inbox.
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Reporting SPAM might work
Could be good job security unless the fines are large and quicker.
Along that line there is suppose to be a law against unsolicited FAXes, soliciting business. Something like $500 per fax. If you are in business you might have notice there was a drop off about 2 years ago and they have slowly crept back up, or have for me. I was sending those to the FCC and they sent me a notice they did not have time for that. Oh well, why write the law?
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Reporting SPAM might work
I may be wrong but I thought the junk fax law was simply written to provide people a way to opt-out. So they put a phone number on the junk faxes that you can call to get off their list. I always call, but apparently the offenders keep setting up new companies to send the junk faxes from. I'm about ready to dump the fax machine anyway - with email so prevalent the fax only gets used a few times a year anymore for legitimate purposes.
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Reporting SPAM might work
Per my companies they (junk faxes) are illegal. You don't have to OPT out, rather you have to OPT in. You are not to fax soliciting business to a non customer without a signed authorization. I think some companies play with the law by writing the fax trying to make it look like it is being sent to their branches and somehow it just hit your fax number. I do think sending faxes that provide info and no solicitation for business may be legal.
Talked with a company who tried to sell us using them to send faxes. Said they were in another state and you had to sue in the state it was faxed from, so they did not send within their state. We would be safe since we contracted for the end result and the action was theirs. Did not feel comfortable with that.
Sort of think some of this is done to try and boost the Post Office income.
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