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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
Well I have a sharpening buisness on the side and have purchased a True Hone, I believe it's the best on the market. It will put a razor edge if you like, on anything, thick or thin, long or short in about 30 seconds. It's pricey about 750.00. hey send them all to me and I turn them around in 1 day.
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
I bought some different lower price items over the years but the simplest and best one I found is a piece of wood with holes drilled at the proper angle to place the cermanic stones in. THey form a "V" and you hold the knife vertical and just pull it through. Of course it is for touch up, but that is what most of the time our kitchen knives need. When you do get them sharp, keep them out of the dishwasher and a loose drawer. Oh yea, like that is going to happen.
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
As this all turned out I was in the local coffee shop a couple mornings after I first posted, so I brought up the subject of knife sharpeners. Turns out a local fellow whom I know fairly well is an advid hunter, fisherman, trapper, trap shooter, etc.. Turns out his hobby is sharpening knives with some sort of hand held stones, he said bring them up, give me an hour. Result was, razor sharp, almost insulted the man trying to pay him. Neat guy. Frank.
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
sounds like you found the best system of all.
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
Over the years I have had opportunity to work with folk in packing plants (slaughter houses) - they ALL use the same method to sharpen the hundreds of thousands of knives they use all day - a regular sharpening steel. The key is to sharpen often. Of course you also have to know how to use a steel properly.
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
Ann, is a sharpening steel one of those hand-held metal post thingys that look like a rough (not polished) rod of steel? I just want to make sure I know what you are talking about.
My wife's cousin's jusband used something like that on his expensive cooking knives over Christmas. He has to have the best of everything so that people look up to him. In his mind they do. To everyone else, he's just a guy with ADD and a Neil Young look that he's not quite pulling off. Did I mention he's basically a male gold-digger to be blunt?
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
Dont sugar coat it, tell us how you realy feel.
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
Ann, a sharpening steel is only used to maintain an edge. In other words it straightens the edge that's already there. Once the edge is worn down it has to be redone by some kind of grinding.
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Kitchen Knife Sharpeners
I stand corrected: In that case I regularly maintain the edge of my kitchen knives with a steel, I have found that they dont require sharpening that way.
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