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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
I know they say to be careful what you wish for, but I don’t care…. I wish winter would finally get here. I bought a 60-in rear mount blower 2-years ago that has yet to be put to the test. It’s January, and everything outside is mud. There’s no skiing, or snowmobiling, or hot fires in the woodstove, my kids are driving my wife nuts, the dog is destroying the yard, and I can’t even blow the driveway…. which blows!
Best to all in 07!
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
I hear ya! So many people say they hate snow. But i like it. My dogs don't track mud into the house when there is snow. With snow, the yard isn't a mush pit. With snow, it looks nice and pure outside not brown and dead. With snow, the spring will have water to grow the new plants and help the trees. With snow, we have a need for tractors and equipment to move the snow. with snow, we have the excuse to buy a nicer vehicle because it handles better in the snow. With snow, I can write my name outside.
I like snow.
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
In SE Michigan, up until I was 18 I used to love snow--we lived on a farm and the first flurries signified the work was done at atleast until spring.
Fast-forward 25 years and I have had enough of it. For 7 seasons I plowed snow for as long as 32 hours nonstop. The body just doesn't recover like it used to. The last 3 years barely made $500-600 a season due to little or no snow. Less snow means more competition, means prices driven down to almost nothing.
Past year or so been living in Mississippi still cleaning up the Hurricane and helping rebuild. Sold the plow. I don't need snow.
Suppose to be sunny and 64 degrees tomorrow. I likes the warm weather
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
The vast majority of our snow work now is municipal contracts, mostly for sidewalks.
Almost everything else is large commercial sites (read shopping malls).
Doesn't matter if there's snow or not really, the standby charges just to have the staff and equipment around in case is nearly the same as if we were plowing something.
Years ago the standby rates were slim to none, then the contractors stopped putting equipment out, it wasn't worth it if it didn't snow they got scalped.
Hard to explain to old Mrs. Smith why her sidewalk is 2' deep in snow when her taxes keep going up.
I like snow, but no snow is ok too.
Best of luck.
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
I like our snow also. No doubt EW will also when he finds out in our part of the world snow means HOLIDAY. Stay home and off the roads. I like our snow about every 6 years myself.
Sort of reminds me about the 6 year old asking the 65 year old in the desert if it rains often. To which he replied, don't know, only 65.
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
Earthworks, I won't argue that 64 and sunny can be mighty nice. I just don't handle 95 and 99% humidity well. Actually I handle it worse than snow and cold. I may change in 20 years time. Check with my opinion then.
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
Here in SW PA, we haven't had an inch of snow ALL YEAR, TOTAL! It's 60 degrees today. Most people are happy...me, I'd rather see some white stuff, at least a couple times this winter to let the kids (and me!) play in it. How about sharing some of the snow from out west, guys??!!
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
At 52 and sunny(thats not my age) and more for tommorrow I do worry about my customers that plow snow for winter income from their summer landcaping work. I do snowmobile but not like in years past. With it this warm if it wasn't for the government trying to get rid of the salt and just dumping it on bare roads I'd consider getting the car out of the garage and going out to beat up on it for a ride..
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
Not a speck of snow here yet, lots of rain that just runs away. Used to enjoy plowing snow with the pickup, plowed our own and several neighbors for cookies, never charged anyone to plow. Last winter I got the pickup stuck while plowing, got out to see what was going on, fell on my big fat a--, laid around for two weeks taking pain dope. Result of all this, I sold the pickup, plow and all, hired a neighbor with a real tractor with a heavy loader to be on call. I used to like snow when I was a kid, but can't remember why. Have fun. Frank.
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Wishing for SNOW in Buffalo
We've had maybe a little more snow than average. Some years we don't get any but we had 8" a few weeks ago, an inch yesterday and it's snowing again tonight. We get deep snow so rarely it's not worth investing in a blower though.
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