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Back to the hinterland -- Rankee s Good ol boy membership
We had a roof collapse on a grocery store from the rain and heavy/wet snow over the last week. snowing again with 40 mph gusts. And my tractor is in a barn 2 hours away!! Sucks...
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Back to the hinterland -- Rankee s Good ol boy membership
Life isn't so bad back here in Michigan. When you get a chance head up toward the North along the eastern coastline and make a stop in Augres. There is a little Irish bar there called Dunleavies. Remember St. Paddy's is coming on the 17th. Their house soup is a mean "Cajun Crab and Cheese" that makes your mouth water for a little something cool to put the fire out. They have Michelob Light on tap in frosted Mugs. Life is good for those that take the time to enjoy it!
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Back to the hinterland -- Rankee s Good ol boy membership
People can complain all they want about winter in the Midwest. But the Midwest is a pretty nice place to live. Yes, we have winters. Some are easier than others. Buy a plow or snowblower an you'll be fine. We don't get huricanes, our earthquakes are rarely noticed, the mud in your house is from the dog tracking it in, not the mountainside collapsing and we don't have crocodiles or alligators.
We still have rednecks and such. With larger areas, you can get some good variety of foods too. So all in all, the midwest isn't a bad place to live.
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Back to the hinterland -- Rankee s Good ol boy membership
I have been over seas several times and have not found or seen anything a good a the USA. South, north, east and even the westcoast. The midwest seems like a great place to me. Now it is even better you got EW.
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Back to the hinterland -- Rankee s Good ol boy membership
Awe gee SG, 'preciate it. Got home a few days ago. Took three days to get home since the trailers started fishtailing at about 65. Went from 70 degrees one day to 16 degrees a few days later---even got 4 inches of snow. Oh yeah since I sold my snow plow last Fall I just gazed out the wind'r (redneckspeak for "window" and thought how nice it was to enjoy the snow--rather than be plowing it at 2am. On the down side, came home to frozen and broken water pipes (apparently I didn't drain them all the way DOH!). Done about 6 repairs and still not fixed. Neighbor's letting me use his shower. Now it's in the 40's and mud everywhere underneath---or at least where I have to lay to fix the leaks.
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Back to the hinterland -- Rankee s Good ol boy membership
Jeff, if you have a small compressor, there's an easy way to go through those leaks fast.
Make up a short whip of air line with a garden hose fitting on one end and screw it onto an outdoor faucet, then go around opening taps to blow out all the water. Just be sure to keep the air pressure down to a MAXIMUM of 75 psi, 50 would be better.
After the air has pushed all the water out the leaks will hiss or whistle. This way you can find them with the pipes empty. Be sure though to let all the air pressure off before you try to solder the leaks up if you're patching them.
This is also, BTW (I know, too late) to drain your system for freeze-proofing, the air pressure will drive all the water out except for the odd drop here & there, it wont allow enough water to stay to burst a pipe.
That's the method we use for draining irrigation systems on golf courses so the water only comes out ABOVE ground in the spring (but with a large trailer-mounted diesel powered compressor). 
If memory serves, you're just south of Deeeeetroit aren't you?
Best of luck.
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Back to the hinterland -- Rankee s Good ol boy membership
Murf the lines are CPVC---and there are now about 20 repairs made. Yup I should have drained the lines the right way; we use trailer mounted compresors to blow out sprinkler lines here sout' of Deeetroit.
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