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 04-11-2007, 07:46 Post: 141228

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There are several good semi-autos the 10/22 is a good one. Remington has a newer one out that is under $200 also and it is a very reliable shooter. There are also lots of pump actions that shoot great and have quick follow up shots. Unless you are looking for an investment buy the cheapest model they have. IMHO the cheap ones will preform just as good as the more expensive models for plinking and vermin, off hand. The main difference in factory stuff is cosmetics.

If you go into the custom built, custom triggers, fitted bolts, bull barrels, bedded and floated you are talking a whole different ball game.

Becareful about large magazines many states have assault weapon bans (a semi auto) and large magazine bans, there are pre-ban exceptions. It's a Felony in NY and some other states to possess a large magazine, not preban. In PA they can not use a semi-auto rifle which includes the 10/22 for hunting.

Not my intent to muddy the water, but with the liberals trying everything they can to make a honorable citizen a criminal you can not be to careful.


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 04-11-2007, 09:40 Post: 141238

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Harvey; No, I'm not into guns enough to really know the difference between a collector grade gun and a lower dollar one. I've already got enough "Investment" type tools, etc. in the shop that the kids likely will sell for ten cents on tne dollar soon as I bite the big one. As I said earlier I was always a bit jealous of the "rich kid" neighbor who had that neat litle lever action 22 when we were in high school. One of our cowboy heros on TV back in the 50's could shoot the gun out of the hand of the bad guy at 300 yards on a galloping horse with one of them. From a distance it looked a good deal like the Daisy BB gun I still have, maybe that is my "investment grade" gun. So which eveer you think is my best bang for the buck on the low dollar end is wht I'll buy. Keep the snow shovel handy. Oh, by the way the "rich Kid" is ten times richer now, but I'm no longer jealous of him, I got over that foolishness long time ago. Frank.

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 04-11-2007, 10:52 Post: 141241

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Frank I know about "Gun Envy", I see lots of $5000+ very accurate off the bench and the other ones see what I have but I do not shoot it cause it worth more unfired. My targets are usually much tighter. So they have ability envy and spend more in hopes of better groups. Time and practice make the shooter more than the price of the gun.

I'm looking at a .44mag level action rifle. Always wanted a lever action same reason you stated.

Your old Daisy is probably worth a small mint. The Red Riders are very much collector items today.

Big gun show in Syracuse April 21-22. I'm also looking for a 50cal BMG bolt action rifle.

If you want we can continue this via e-mail. There is another guy or two that use this site that is fairly compentent about firearms.


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 04-12-2007, 16:57 Post: 141270

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An old man told me once that most guns are capable of out shooting the shooter. You just had to figure em out. Wink yeah right

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