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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
Free roaming "pets" have been a problem around here since the new neighbor moved in down back. Several Pit Bulls running free, not being watched closely enough. One killed my neighbor's cat in my back yard. Another one attacked the neighbor's Husky (which was chained in her own yard).
My neighbors all liked the cat and the Husky, so are now planning on hunting dog or coyote, whichever comes first. I love animals and have always welcomed other domestics onto my property but I am sick of irresponsible owners.
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
Be careful about shooting someone's dog even if it is loose and causing problems. I'd rather call animal control first and have them pay to get it out. In some areas it is more of a crime to shoot an animal than a person. If you take it out, no one else must know (ever)and bury it good! Needless to say, don't just wound it.
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
I was very careful to advocate only "When you see him next, toss him a little 'treat'." so as to prevent the poison from reaching an unintended target. I do agree however that the poison often reaches further along the food chain.
I prefer taking care of varmints with the direct approach, "bang". However, as I pointed out, that's not always a good idea, especially in a built up area.
In my case I have a bush lot behind me where the coyotes come out from to hunt in the subdivisions around me. We either get them with a heavy-barrelled varmint rifle from a long distance, or with a 12 gauge from 'up close & personal' when we bait them.
Kenneth, the tractor doesn't have to go very fast, the little buggers can't reach the door handles of the cab. 
BTW, a piece of road kill on a short piece of rope under the FEL makes a game sort of like the "Whack a gopher" game at the carnival if you're quick on the joystick I hear.
Best of luck.
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
Murf, it seems your R & R was good.
There was a dog in my area that was faster than my tractor and disk were. I know, I tried and tried. Thought sooner or later he would forget to look behind the tractor as I drove by. kt
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
It will definitely be the neighbors that nail them, they are "in waiting" shall I say. That is unless one of them comes into my garage after me again. But thanks for the advice!
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
Better talk to all your kids, if any of em get loose and look a bit "wild" and happen onto my deck at night,,, Well, Cant say what might happen? My pup is my baby. Be careful.
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
Last week on Fox news there was a story of one attacking a child and it's 11 year old uncle scaring it off. They had an expert from some major "EAST COAST" shool talking about the problem. kt
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
If you perform a search, you will find some relevant articles pertaining to the steps involved with the coyote in its relationship to humans. In NYS we are about one step below the point where they associate people with dinner fare.
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
They have a new style of trap out, it was featured in the last issue of "Farm Show Magazine", it flings a lasso around the neck of the canine in question.
That way you can identify the 4 legged critter before disposing of, or releasing, it.
I was reading an interesting article in a trade publication about coyotes, they're a mixed blessing for golf courses, they eat varmints, including Canada Geese, but they occaisionally think of golfers as either a provider of food, or a source itself!!
The author used his own home-made 'aversion therapy' based on some advice from a biologist friend of his.
He set out bait at night, animated noise-making cat toys scented with road kill, and booby-trapped them with firecrackers. Nearby was a trail-cam to capture the events.
According to the article he captured a few pictures of coyotes a few feet in the air with a shocked look on their face, and then the traps stopped being set off altogether. Nobody has spotted a coyote within quite a distance of the golf course for sometime now.
Best of luck.
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Coyote Hunting ~~~ Me
You're mixed up Murf, that was Caddy Shack 
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