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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
Hey guys I have 1991 New Holland rider, 14.5 hp in decent shape. I fixed it up with a brand new engine, new blades, mandrel bearings, battery and gave it to my buddy as a gift who let his wife run over big rocks and bend the deck. He gave it back to me. So, no good deed goes unpunished...
I'm thinking of converting into something else. Don't know what.
I've seen stretched versions (think really long limo) used for carrying a satcked face cord of wood out of the woods (think self propelled firewood rack); and racing versions. I've seen some used as a farm service vehicle complete welder and torches.
Any ideas?
What do you guys think?
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
EW; We went to a county tractor pull a few years ago expecting to see the old two bangers and hopped up "M's" struggle down the track and all stop in the same place. but a couple high dollar pickups with enclosed Featherlites behind, wall to wall chrome, etc., pulled in along side the jalopy pickups and well worn trailers. These pickups weren't filled with cigar chomping pot belly gearheads, the Mrs. almost made me leave. The pickups each held a couple young ladies, the Featherlites each had two "Lawn Mowers" with some kind of small four cylinder engines, they ask if they could pull just for the fun of it, not to compete, all agreed it would be OK. WOWZER could those ladies make the dirt fly. Nobody seemed to know who they were or where they came from, never saw them again. So there you go a couple more mowers, possibly an update in a pickup, a featherlite, and a crew, sounds like more fun than cuting grass all summer. Have a ball. Frank.
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
We have a young fellow in town that his main means of transportation was his lawn mower. Was fine for the most part but this boy stood about 6'3" at 15 and the police didn't take to kindly to seeing their radar gun at 45 when he went by in a thirty zone. Trusty lawn chiefs or anything with a belt drive where he could change the pulleys out worked for him.
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
Art we had a guy in town too, who probably for the reason (DUI and suspended license) was riding his machine as sole transporation. He was pulled over several times and the cops warned him that he drives it on the road he'll get a big ticket. So what he do? Drove across the street and cops nailed him.
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
I think every town has a mower rider, I pass the VFW daily on the way home from work, there is one parked in the lot every day, guess it's safer than climbing behind the wheel of a car after a few in the bar...
I'd look at converting to a powered wheel barrow, think DR Powerwagon...no use in wasting that power...
The older I get the more I believe, if it cannot be done with a power implement, it cannot be done....
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
I just saw a garden tractor pull in Salt Point NY last weekend. It seems there is no limit to what you can do with your mower. Chrome it up, add a stack, add a motorcycle engine, big rear wheels, etc. It was fun to see.
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
EW, and what makes you think he "let her run over big rocks"? Sure it was not him rather than rocks?
How about a grill? Never have seen self powered one but...hey you could do it. Just keep the fire from the gas. Or replace the engine with propane one.
Other ideas...how about hooking up a generator on it to move around for power as you may need it...log splitter...sprayer for lawns...pressure washer. kt
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
You could use it to make extra income. How about mounting an icebox to the back, add some blaring music, and turning it into a popsicle mower?
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
Maybe the wife is smarter than she was given credit for.... she doesn't have to mow the lawn anymore...... 
I don't know about Jeff, but I have enough on my to do list already, I'd fix it up, just the basics, sell it and spend the cash on something else more fun.
Best of luck.
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Ideas for what to do with spare riding mower
Murf made a good suggestion. Another suggestion is, it would make a nice piece of "Hillbillie Art". The seat or hood can be converted into a flower pot(s) for petunia's or weeds!
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