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If I Win the Lottery
I will retire early, purchase a 100 acre farm, and one tractor of every color will sit in my barn. I would also purchase a Kawasaki Mule and a Honda Foreman. I would cut my own wood to burn in my wood stove, and make my wife cook the game that I bring home every night. Dinner should be on the table when I am hungry.
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If I Win the Lottery
Sure hope your wife doesn't read this forum. 
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If I Win the Lottery
Crunch; So till you win the big one, is your wife now cutting the wood, hunting the game, cooking it and having it on the table when you are hungry? Where did you find a woman like that? Does she have a sister? Frank.
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If I Win the Lottery
Frank, this is a wish. The reality is far different. I would say that my wife is the boss in our house. She has lists. Several lists. I do the work on the lists and dinner is served when she gets good and ready
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If I Win the Lottery
Crunch; Now that's more like it. And you've did what so far today? Vacummed the whole house, the supper dishes, got biscuts in the oven and the sausage gravy in the skillet before you wake the Mrs? Now you know that is my normal routine on Saturday mornings, on weekday mornings I do twice that before the Mrs. is up. This is almost like the local coffee shop, first liar don't have a chance. Yawn.
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If I Win the Lottery
Since handing over (mostly) the reins at the shop to my right-hand man, I'm semi-retired now.
Most of what I do now is running the farm.
If win the big one now, at this stage of my life, I don't think I would do much differently.
I'd just keep right on farming till it was all gone. 
Best of luck.
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If I Win the Lottery
The difference between what you have said and our senators is...yours is funny. If you you guys could get one or two of the ladies here to join in your story telling, you just might beat out Jeff Forworthy and those other guys on Blue Collar Comedy. kt
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If I Win the Lottery
Murf; I'll hekp you out, it don't matter how big the jackpot is, we can have it gone before fall. We'll start with a section of good farmland, Then a couple hog confinement "Centers", we don't build confinement buildings anymore, we build "Confinement Centers", meaning a complex of buildings, ( the concreet contractors love these, they can have a truck every fifteen minutes for days at one site ). Maybe a few shares in an ethanol plant. Now how about a couple new Deere tractors and a new combine. ( We aare for the most part green or red paint addicts here, it don't mater how much Deere or Case IH charges, we are addicts, we'll buy it. Four dollar corn is a reality now, but have you priced anhydrous ammonia lately? I farmed for 43 years and am still involved at a much smaller scale, we sold the the major part of our farmland, the grain center, and the serious farm machinery over the last couple years. For the life of me I don't have a clue where the money is coming from to keep all this going. I'm not bragging or complaining, just telling it like it is nowdays in Iowa. Frank.
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If I Win the Lottery
Frank, I'm sure we could have it done for by the 4th of July if we put our mind to it. 
My Dad keeps telling me I don't know what I'm doing running the farm, it keeps making a profit, he's concerned I'm upsetting a long-standing reputation for farming. 
I've turned a lot of acreage over to potatoes and turf fields, both do far better than the average crop.
Quite a few folks around me would like to do the same, but either don't have the coin for the required equipment, or couldn't afford to carry it through to harvest, turf is a 4 year crop. It's also labour intensive, the fields must be kept cut like a lawn, on a few thousand acres it adds up fast.
Best of luck.
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If I Win the Lottery
Murf, tobacco was and still is the big money crop here. But turf is moving up quickly. The time line here is not four years, is 2 or 3 if I understand depending on the field and the exact grass. kt
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