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user id s
The selection of user ID's to me is great. The image given is so varied and interesting. Sometimes I just wonder now what does so and so mean.
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user id s
I enjoy the many interesting internet nics, as well.
In my own case, Cando Arms is the name of my business...which isn't quite off the ground yet.
I spent 16 years training to fight Uncle Sam's wars. During that time, I learned a whole lot about the proper upkeep and maintenance of Uncle Sam's weapons. I decided to put that training to good use.
Well, I got sidetracked. There were other things that were more important to me at the time, such as feeding a family of 6 (four children) and earning enough money to keep a roof over their heads.
My kids are all but grown up now. My youngest is 16, and still lives at home. When he's gone, I'll get serious about getting my business up and running on a full-time basis.
My wife and I have plans to build a new gun shop sometime in 2010. I've already cleared it with the County zoning committee and the Sheriff. Until then, I operate on a very limited and part-time basis out of my basement.
I've torn down several old buildings on my place, and readied the ground for a building suitable for the business. I have 6 acres of land here, with highway frontage. My house sits a long way from the highway, about a mile outside of town. When the time comes, I'll have a gun shop right out near the highway, with clear and easy access for my customers.
That's the plan, anyway. Sometimes my plans get derailed. hehehe.
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user id s
Kenneth, like yours, mine is sort of straight forward and self-explanatory.......
Best of luck.
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user id s
It dawned on me one day that we all carry the name of only one of our grandparents. There are three other blood lines in us that go ignored.
The "D" is for my middle name David and Rankin was the surname of my other grandfather. The ability to write well is a genetic trait from that side of the family. DRankin is an acknowledgment of those facts.
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user id s
It's interesting that you bring up ancestry, my new lady friend and me were talking about that this weekend during a visit to her parents.
I joking produced my birth certificate (amongst other ID) in response to a question about my background. When her father noted that I had a first name that was followed by no less than 4 'middle' names we got into talking about being named after ancestors.
In my family the custom (going back some 16 generations) is that the eldest male child is named by a formula, basically assuring that the name is a genealogy work in and of itself.
Sort of along the idea of McDonald or MacDonald meaning "son of Donald" or "Grandson of Donald".....
My grandfather used to tell me, the only thing you have coming into the world is your name, and it's the only thing you're leaving with also......
Best of luck.
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user id s
Uhhhh... What can I say 
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user id s
The first few years I ran the furniture shop it did'nt have a name, then when it grew into a real business it needed a name. Our oldest son suggested the Hardwood Shop, so that's where my ID came from. I found a woodworking website that I really enjoy, so when they asked for an ID I put in Hardwood. They came back saying it was already taken, so I guess the world has to put up with two of us Hardwoods. My Dad said most every German family in their neighborhood had a Pete, George, Charley, Nick, and a Frank, so I guess other than that being my Grandfathers name too is where Frank came from. Frank.
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user id s
Crunch reflects the fact that I have "crunched" numbers most of my career. I take databases full of numbers and extract the stories that they have hidden within. That's why I enjoy this forum so much - it is an escape from the impersonal world of computers and numbers for me. It brings me back to enjoyable times in my youth where my father, uncle and neighbors worked with the land.
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user id s
Mine is simple; it reflects the color of my tractor. This is the only site that I use it...not too creative...seemingly not enough time to be creative, as the father of four. I grew up in the suburbs in NJ, but learned to appreciate the rural life during summer visits to my grandmother's farm, where I make my home now. It is a much different way of life for my children than what I knew as a child; but they appreciate the land and the tools that we use to take care of it, including the "blue" tractor.
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