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The view from up here
As many of you probably know by now, I am a pilot.
One of the things that is most appealing to me about flying is without a doubt the view, the scenery of even the most ordinary place is usually nothing short of amazing.
For those of you who have never slipped the surly bonds of gravity, here's a little taste of what is to be seen from a few thousand feet up.
If you click on the "Picture Link" you can see it full size.
Best of luck.
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The view from up here
That's one pretty picture, Murf. The colors are absolutely beautiful.
I got a picture I took of some neighbor kids riding horses. I'll find it and post it. I'm not bragging because I took it, it's the innocence and beauty that makes it special.
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The view from up here
Well I found the pic but there seems to be some sort of a problem here. The pic upload doesn't work. It says it does but it doesn't?
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The view from up here
Were you trying to load it into your TP photo album? If so how big was it?
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The view from up here
That's a gorgeous picture Murf. Thanks for posting it.
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The view from up here
Nice shot!
As an aviation wannabe I an curious what you fly?
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The view from up here
Yes and 76.5 KB
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The view from up here
Murf, Nice picture. Thanks for reminding me that there are colors in the world once you get out of Texas. However, I have taken a look at your other pictures in you profile and saw your spread- I didnt see a landing strip- what gives? Youve got machines, youve got land-
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The view from up here
Murf, thanks for reminding us of the beautiful world created for us.
Klen..the bit I have been in Texas I saw color, lots of brown and some green. Then a fair amount of red cattle. It is easy to notice what is different, the task is to see the beauty around us. kt
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The view from up here
Thanks guys, if you're interested there's a few others, I take lots, but a few of them are really special.
That particular one up there was just a fluke, the colours were getting near their prime, and it had been a cloudy wet crappy day and just before I got there the clouds parted and the sun came out. My summer place is on the very end of the peninsula in the foreground.
Hettric, I'm lucky to have a variety of stuff to fly, the entire family flies, so between us we have 5 planes, my primary ride now however is a Ryan Navion.
KlienChris, you missed picture # 10, my friend across the street has a strip in his backyard. He gets his snow cleared for free, I get to walk to my plane. Also, the small airport we own is just 10 minutes up the road.
Kenneth, here's another example of a rather inspiring view.
Best of luck.
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