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Getting ready for Snow
Ok Murf,
I saw your Picture 16. Now I hope that isn't your driveway 
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Getting ready for Snow
No, I have more trees around my place. 
But it does snow pretty good up here sometimes.
Best of luck.
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Getting ready for Snow
Dennis, I understand Murf uses blocks of snow to build a roof over his drive way, sort of like an igloo. kt You can owe me Murf.
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Getting ready for Snow
Kenneth, shhhhhhh, it's actually grits not snow, we're hoarding them up here in an attempt to corner the world market. 
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Getting ready for Snow
On a related note: We just put down a ton (73 actually) of small stones on our driveway. Any advice on how to clear the snow with a rear mounted blade without moving stacks of stones onto the grass?
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Getting ready for Snow
I'm not sure where you live or what the winters are like there, but we have it pretty easy during the winter.
After the first snowfall, we simply drive over the snow and pack it down real good. It then remains there until March......sometimes May.
When clearing the driveway, we don't cut down so far as to cut into the first snowfall. I just adjust my blower skids high enough to skip over it.
If you live in a place in which the snow comes and goes throughout the winter, you'll have a much more difficult time with things. You'll have to adjust your blade high enough to miss the rocks, which will leave about two inches of snow on your driveway.
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Getting ready for Snow
Joel's on track, literally. I pack it down by driving on it to get it nice and solid where ever the rocks are. It's best to let it freeze if you can, then let the new snow fall before you plow. The ruts will fill up and you'll have a solid base keeping the rocks in place. For those places that do get rocks over the year, I use a power broom that has a slow-turning, rubber-bladed drum on a weed-trimmer style handle. Shindaiwa, Echo and Stihl make them.
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Getting ready for Snow
What is this S-N-O-W stuff that you speak of? hehe
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Getting ready for Snow
Take h-u-m-i-d-i-t-y, add below f-r-e-e-z-i-n-g air temperatures and there you have it.
But I gotta tell ya's, this will be the first year in 8 that I won't be plowing... snow, that it is. Sold it when I was in 'sippi. Now I can sleep in instead of waking at 2:30 waiting for snow. And I don't have to worry anymore about phone calls from angry (and stupid) customers who get their Corvettes stuck in 8" snows getting to their store (true story). And besides it has only snowed about 3-5 times each season here for the past 5 years anyway, so there's not much to plow anyway (read: can't pay bills).
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Getting ready for Snow
Oh yes, SNOW.
8 hours of sunlight. 16 hours of darkness. Wind blowing 40 miles per hour. Heating bills that will rob a man. Snow drifts 16 feet high. Temperatures in the -40 range........
and I'm smiling from ear to ear, because there won't be any mosquitoes or biting flies for the next 7 months. No weeds to pull....no grass to mow......no watering the garden, or washing the dog, or sweeping dirt from the floor.
Come Spring, I'll be smiling again, because there won't be any more scraping the snow and frost off of the windshields every day, or mopping up the melted snow from the floor, or trying to start a vehicle when it's frozen solid, or putting down salt on the steps.......and the dog can finally get another bath.
I lived in Georgia for three years while in the Army. I really did miss the cold weather, the snow, and the wind. More than that, I missed the seven month break from those pesky insects.
Snow is something I look forward to every year......and I might as well enjoy it, because we're going to get it whether we want it or not.
Time to get outdoors and truly enjoy myself. It will take a while to get used to having no mosquitoes in my face. I'll walk around here swatting at imaginary flies and mosquitoes for about a month, just out of habit......until I finally realize that I can actually use both hands when working on the car.
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