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Seat time today
Got a bit over 1 hour of seat time on the new BX1500 pulling a cart while tidying up the garage and pole building.
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Like the Mazda TV commercial: zoom! zoom! I equate "seat time" to riding in a convertible, albeit a slow, diesel convertible, or a motorcycle or ATV.
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lbrown, So while you were building up your "seat time", who was doing the tidying up part? Or does your tractor have an attachment that allows you to tidy up from the seat?
EW, riding the tractor facing into the Hurricane meets all the zoom zoom speed you want.You may find suitable speed in snow storm this winter. Be sure not to turn on the heater in that convertible. That should be a refresing ride. Keep your cool my friend! kt
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attachment that allows you to tidy up from the seat?
Tidy from the seat-now that would be neat.
Unfortunately I had to load and unload the lawn trailer.
Couldn't get the tractor to do anything but pull it.
Do Ya spose I ought to take it back and make em give me a replacement.
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lbrown, it seemed you were able to count all the time as seat time. So I thought you have one of those super duer models that had a monkey on a boom or one of those rigs like giant vacs the city here uses to pick up leaves and such. Have seen such on tv for goophers also. You might should consider taking it back, might be an option not working properly. kt
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