Who TP people are
So do you want to know what others say about US at TP?
Stumbled across this and thought others may like to see. kt
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Who TP people are
Wow. How'd they do that? Got me pegged right down the line.
Interesting info. Thanks KT
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Who TP people are
I also want to know where this info is coming from. I dont doubt it's semi-accurate, but things like income and college education? If they would have known that I am making $350,000 after graduation from MIT it would have changed those graphs.
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Who TP people are
Alot of that is a teaser to get me to subscribe to their service to get better demographics for marketing. They caveat the info with the quote:
"We have sparse data about tractorpoint.com, so these are rough estimates."
At best its cute info 
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Who TP people are
Huh, some of their "sparse data" is pretty accurate, they have a whole special category in the "share of visits" thingey, they call the segment :addicts".
Addicts are the hardcore segment of a site's audience, who have 30 or more visits to that site in a month. While typically accounting for a very small percentage of the site's total reach these users can easily account for the majority of all site visits."
"Hi, my name is Ted and I'm a TractorPoint Addict."
"Hi Ted."

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Who TP people are
WOW, How did they know I graduated from Harvard, turned down a seven figure job to become a farmer and a sawdust generator? Seriously, this is scary, what else do they know, is nothing scred anymore? Frank.
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Who TP people are
Frank, the simple answer to your very important questions is...NO.
Tell me on this subject why the info a grocery store gains by you having a ID card with them is worth enough for the discount they give you for using it? Makes me wonder and stay away from them. kt
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Who TP people are
Looks as though we are all smart, rich addicts 
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Who TP people are
Looks as though we are all smart, rich addicts
They got me pegged rite on the mark here except for the rich part.
I ain't got any money-I spent it all on tractors. 
== L B ==
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