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This is just a quick message, not meant to start a discussion or debate, but with the new year closing in anyone wanting to stop smoking I recommend you visit www.whyquit.com
as a result of the education at that site I am smoke free after 32+ years of addictive feeding at the rate of 2 packs a day, free and healing 95 days and loving it.
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Congrats! It isn't easy changing a life long habit.
I got on a health regime Nov 2006 started eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables and stopped drinking any alcohol.
What is amazing to me is how much crap you take from some business associates about the no drinking thing in my case, come on you can have one drink.......
I just got my cholesterol checked at 159 yesterday, that was the first time in my life under 200+. So the effort has paid off.
Keep at it!
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cool congrats on the quit, thank goodness I never had the urge for alcohol I had for nicotine, I do enjoy a beer or drink, but I can also go weeks without and not even think about it,
the no smoking has also reduced my chol, blood press, and heart rate, as for anyone who knows I have quit offering me a smoke, I look at them and say would you offer a heroin addict a needle full...usually puts an end to any questions.
best of luck, RJ
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Congrads to both of you. I've never smoked, but since a teenager used Copenhagen till January 20th. of 1986 and went cold turkey. I was so addicted that I was chewing THREE cans per day of that crap when I quit. Let no one tell you that they don't put somethiong in that stuff to make you crave it. Used it for 30 years and been off it for over 20 amd still crave it. Frank.
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Congrats Hardwood,
oh yea its the nicotine, rewires your brain to associate the feeling from nicotine the same as the feeling from other survival stuff, ie food, sex, water in the hot of summer,
You will always crave, and one use will put you back to the old cycle, use, need, use or withdrawl....even more than how hard it is to quit, how easy it is to resume is the true measure of addictiveness.
congrats on the quit, never take another dip, or puff...regards RJ
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Good going Randy!!
I had a black belt in smoking, quit cold turkey in 1990 and can't stand to be around it now. No desire, none.
For me, the toughest part was getting through the first month and then mostly if I had a legal beverage with friends. When I am around smokers I think "did I used to smell like that?".
Be prepared to lose some friends. Once the wife and I quit we restricted smoking to our breezeway, that unfortunately prompted some people to quit visiting us. We visit them but rarely, can't stand the house full of smoke.
Keep up the good work, your body will thank you!
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Congratulations, Randy! That's a great accomplishment.
I used to drink alot back in my 20s and early 30s, but had to cut back drastically as I got other ailments that replaced the crappy morning feeling I once brought on to myself with habitual heavy drinking. I joke about it now when friends ask why I drink so little. I tell them that after years of convincing God I liked waking up feeling like crap, he's now letting arthralgia and other ailments do the same, at lots less expense!
Speaking of the expense of habits, now that you're not spending all that money on cigarettes, I'm sure you'll reward yourself with new tractor toys, right?
Again, congrats!
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