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Need input on building a pneumatic mulch blower
Blow it through 200' of hose.
If you do the math, a 4" hose (about the smallest you could push material that size through) 200' long has a volume of (4" x 4" X 3.1415926) 50.26" x 2,400"(200' x 12" or 120,624 cubic inches. A cubic yard (36"x36"x36" is 46,656 cubic inches, so the hose could hold (120,624 / 46,656) 2.58 cubic yards. When using an air propulsion system you only want about a 35% material 65% air blend to prevent blockages.
So, 35% of 2.58 cubic yards means the hose would be carrying just under a cubic yard (0.903) of mulch at any one time. Typical mulch weighs about 750 pound / cubic yard. So the system would have to be able to keep about (0.903 x 750) 677.25 pounds of mulch in motion.
That would require some serious horsepower, and a serious blower hooked to it.
All in all, you could probably hire a large team of people with wheelbarrows and pay them well for quite some time before you got anywhere near the cost of such a blower system.
The truck we were looking at buying in the above posts was a 10 year old unit, but still in very good shape, they were asking (and got) $160,000 for it.
You can buy used trailer mounted units for under $20k. but they're very slow.
Best of luck.
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Need input on building a pneumatic mulch blower
Whoa...750 lbs is the weight of 1 yard of mulch!?! That sounds a little high to me.
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Need input on building a pneumatic mulch blower
Whoa...750 lbs is the weight of 1 yard of mulch!?!That sounds a little high to me.
As there is wide variance here in mulch think any such number can be wide open but here is one source that agrees with Murf the Man and Mulch More. 
But this will depend on the mulch itself. After a heavy rain mulch can weigh in at about 1000 lbs per yard however in better conditions, the range of 600-800 lbs is a fairly accepted value in the landscape industry.
Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_much_does_one_cubic_yard_of_mulch_weigh#ixzz1Vsv5snLl
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Need input on building a pneumatic mulch blower
That makes sence thanks!
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Need input on building a pneumatic mulch blower
The site, he said, is inaccessible to wheelbarrows. Besides, manually filling that many loads would be inefficient. Hence, the conveyer suggestion.
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Need input on building a pneumatic mulch blower
Whoa...750 lbs is the weight of 1 yard of mulch!?!That sounds a little high to me.
It also depends on the material the mulch is made from. Cedar versus pine, etc., Cedar is often down around 550 pounds a yard.
Some of the newer stuff, made from recycled car tires is a bunch heavier than the natural sourced stuff.
Good to see you're still around Steve.
Best of luck.
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