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One bad donkey
I suspect you're going to need more than that 'borrowed' twenty bucks to convince Kenneth to ride shotgun with you in that part of the world. 
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One bad donkey
Murf, you are correct. Will take more than that for me to just be seen with some people.
I am not throwing off on anyone and those who are there and can find no way out of such an area I really feel sorrow for them. What happen to poor honest neighbor hoods? Sad. We are killing the positive attitude in this country of helping yourself and your family. kt
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One bad donkey
Kenny, I know it's a darn shame ;(
So... anywho...$20 is not enough; so you do have a price then tehehe
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One bad donkey
Yep, but has to be enough to pay for at least a mask for at least one it not both of us.
Years ago while I was on jury duty an older gentleman pleaded guilty to gun violation. He had two hand guns under his car seat. If they had been in glove comparment he would have been legal. When the judge asked him why I wish you could have heard his answer. In his local rural southern accent that I appreciate (and enjoy to this day, a very soft and polite tone) he told the judge he was going on a trip to New York City. It was obvious to us he planned on returning. EW, my plans would be to return home alive also. kt
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One bad donkey
Kenneth, years back when I was still in the Corps and stationed in your neck of the woods, I had reason to be at the local court house to testify on behalf of a couple of friends who had gotten into a bit of an altercation at the local watering hole.
After a few punches were swung a local fellow decided he didn't like his odds and so drew a gun and fired off a few rounds into the ceiling.
Needless to say, the fight ended rather quickly, and all but a few people ran out the door, leaving no other witnesses when the police arrived.
He claimed he had been jumped by my friends and that was why he was the only one who had gotten punched and thus had bruises.
It didn't look good for them (they were charged with assault) until one of them made a comment about the local fellows big chrome gun. At that point the local jumped to his feet and said something to the effect of "Aha, you're lying! My gun isn't chrome, SEE!!!" and proceeded to wave his gun around in front of everyone in court.
My friends cases were quickly dismissed as the local fellow was hauled off in handcuffs, all the while loudly protesting what was happening.

Best of luck.
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One bad donkey
Was that in the same town where they were handing out rifles if you opened a new bank account (true story)?
Kenny, I did notice that the same sort of "people" you have there are here too (must be related???). Oddly though, the type or degree of crime is much harsher here. I think though the people down thar can't move as fast we nor'teners--for whatever reason (we don't have as much liquid breakfast/lunch/dinner as you do down thar)
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One bad donkey
Murf, I believe that. If you want funny, sit in a court room and listen. You quickly learn why the jury is moved in and out so much.
EW, you know, it could be we are designed for the weather. In hot climates things move slower, cold climates they must run for the heat! I understand when you were on the gulf you move right slow. Then when you moved back to Mich. you, well understand you still move slow... but I am just saying. thanks for the smile. WOrking on taxes, needed relief. kt
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One bad donkey
I move right slow--
and I move left slow. If I only move right slow, I'd go in circles. Aghhht! Don't even go there!
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One bad donkey
I move right slow--and I move left slow. If I only move right slow, I'd go in circles. Aghhht! Don't even go there!
I believe the gentleman said before it is not quite circles he goes in. So you may be right.
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One bad donkey
Sorry to be a spoil sport here and ruin a great story but...
According to Snopes.com the story that often accompanies these pictures are not totally accurate. Please see the attached link for the "rest of the story". Cursor down through the various renditions to get to the real story.
Like all of us, I get a variety of stories and pictures via the net and I often verify it through Snopes. It is amazing how often Snopes will have the "real story".
I suppose Snopes could get it wrong as well, but through the years I have been using this site, I beleive it to be an accurate and diligent seeker of the truth.
Incidentally, having grown up on a working ranch in Southern Idaho, I have a good deal of experience with horses and mules. Mules are one tough, obstinate, hard headed, sure footed, stinking animal. One old mule I knew had to have a headstall made totally out of small steel chain. In order to get his attention, you had to jerk too hard and a leather headstall broke too easily. You could hear him coming on the trail long before you saw him because of the jingling chains. I have a lot of respect for a well-mannered mule, but there aren't many around because most folks can't handle them.
Bookmark Snopes and use when something doesn't sound just right. Warning though...you may tick off some good friends when you advise them of something they sent to a whole bunch of folks turns out to be a hoax. And Ken I didn't do this to "call you out", I just thought folks would be interested in the real story and maybe also let folks know how they can verify some of the stuff that we all get through the net.
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