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We never went to the moon or did we
A few years ago a buddy showed me a big binder that documented the argument that we never went to the moon. The evidence against is astounding.
Fast-rewind 25 years ago. Another friend built a telescope that was so clear you see Saturn and it's rings as if you could reach out and touch them. I noticed then as I focues on Earth's moon that there was no evidence of mankind having been there---like an American flag planted in the moonsoil, and especially the lunar rover.
Think about it: if you can see the Earth in its glory all lit up from the moon as was shown in soooo many photos, it would follow that you should be able to see the moon the same way, right?
Armed with this "logic", about 4 years ago I emailed NASA asking them why the lunar rover could not be seen and got back this answer: "The rover is parked on the dark side of the moon." Really? But we can see Earth from the Moon. They would not discuss it further. And, I'm sure I'm on some big-brother watch list now.
Anyone else thought about this?
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We never went to the moon or did we
Whoever wrote that response to you was probably tired of this nonsense and was pulling your leg. All the landings were on the near side since there was no radio contact on the far side. Our telescopes cannot see objects as small as the moon rover from 250,000 miles away through the distortion of the earths atmosphere. Your friends telescope can see Saturn's rings clearly because they are up to 180,000 *miles* across. The earth isn't even 8,000 miles in diameter and the Lunar rover is what, 12 feet long? The rings are made up of individual chunks of debris, some of it 10 feet or more in diameter. Can you see the individual chunks of debris in the telescope? Have you ever seen a big moon rock in any of the telescopic images from the moon? I'm sure not.
I've seen rebuttals to all the evidence that says we never landed, and the rebuttals are pretty clear. Any conspiracy that widespread would have been revealed by now. Think about it - tens of thousands of engineers worked on that project. And nobody talked?
If we had not landed I'm sure that other countries (like the USSR) would have been first to label it a fraud. They were tracking Apollo the entire time.
But the most convincing evidence that we DID land is the fact that the first landing placed a reflector on the moon. A laser is aimed at that reflector from the earth and has used to measure the changes in the distance between earth and moon ever since. The laser is fired from an observatory in Flagstaff (IIRC) that is staffed by civilian scientists. They all seem to think there's a reflector there.
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We never went to the moon or did we
Here's a good link that debunks the conspiracy theorists photo "evidence". Be sure to follow the link to the Clavius site.
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We never went to the moon or did we
Government and all involved could not have kept that secret this long.
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We never went to the moon or did we
This sure did lighten my morning. First circles, now rings.
As to the person sending back the email on the rover being on the dark side, do remember that was a government employee. They always give 100% correct advice and information. Just think on the DMV and IRS, they are enough to send you to the moon.
Hey, wonder how many anti gun people are ready to send the US Supreme Court to the moon? kt
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We never went to the moon or did we
The moon has a diameter of ~2,159 miles, or 5,527,040 feet.
Since the surface area of a sphere is (4 x pi x r2) the surface area of the moon would be ~383,879,633,859,263 sq. feet or ~14,643,845 sq. miles. If we assume you could only see 1/2 of the moon at any one time you would be looking at ~7.25 million sq. miles.
The rover is about 10' long and 8'wide.
I think the term 'needle in a haystack' applies here.
Best of luck.
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We never went to the moon or did we
I have no doubt that we really did do it, but till now I kept it secret that I and George Jetson were there first with my home made moon mobile, just look for the tracks where we landed. Kinda like mthe Kennedy conspiracy folks, even after all the rooms full of classified documents were released and the wannabe hero reporters read it frontwards, backwards, and sideways not one BELIEVABLE shred of evedence led to a conspiracy. Frank.
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We never went to the moon or did we
Frank, it is amazing what we choose to believe and then what can never be proven to suit some. The rover probably was picked up by some aliens of the moon on their way from the JFK investigations where they sat dressed as Big Foot. They are able to do such travel thanks to the 300 mpg carb. kt
And Obama promises change. Amazing what people choose to believe. Then he does not promise we will benefit does he, just lets the people assume they will.
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We never went to the moon or did we
And Obama promises change. Amazing what people choose to believe. Then he does not promise we will benefit does he, just lets the people assume they will.
The "Change" issue is hilarious. Change is always present. The flip side would be a campaign slogan that says, "Stop All Change!". Couldn't be done. Funny how the specifics of exactly what "change" entails are never spelled out. But people fall for it. It's lunacy.
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We never went to the moon or did we
I know for a fact that the whole moon landing was faked, as was the JFK assignation.
If you drink a bottle of tequila, the kind with the dead worm in it, and play the Moody Blues 'Days of Future Past' album backwards..... at just the right speed.... all the information is there for anyone to hear.
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