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First Flea Market
66 years old and I went to the first flea market I've ever attended today. Of course I, the Mrs. and the Grandkids filled the back of the Trailblazer with STUFF that we never knew we couldn't live without. Where in the world do the vendors get all that stuff? Do you guys go to these things too? Have a happy weekend. Frank.
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First Flea Market
We used to go to flea markets but always brought home a bunch of stuff we didn't need so don't go any more. There always seems to be too much stuff to get rid of anyway. My wife has the "gotta have it" bug, if she likes it she's gotta have it.
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First Flea Market
Franky that stuff comes from the same place you will end up putting it--eventually: at the curb.
Do you know how the venue got it's name? Back in the middle ages in the UK the poor would have sales of used junk for sale in the town markets. Sometimes they were selling old bedding--and guess what came along for the ride? Yup--FLEAS. Hence FLEA market.
Seriously, it comes from many places like: curb-side on garbage nite, estate sales, Salvation Army resale shops, former basement/garage clutter, garage sale leftovers, auctions, bought from other flea-market dealers at a discount, and in these parts of the country... from forefeited or abandoned self-storage units/lockers. The latter can be a real gold mine--I have heard of $30,000 antique cars, gold, jewelry, power tools, collectibles being left in these units and bought for $20-$200 at public auction.
If you're looking for deals check www.craigslist.org you can narrow your search down to a dollar amount and the city you want to look in. I sell stuff on there and adversie my bobcat servcies there too---and it's completely FREE! Ooooh I could hear your ears perk up from here! FREE... errrr?
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First Flea Market
As with garage sales, the goods are supposed to look like they were just found in granny's attic and aren't you lucky to have come across them. In fact, some came from jobbers who supply these sellers who in effect are running a retail operation (an almost-zero-overhead, no-returns, cash-in-the-pocket one). But knowing that, I still go to them and buy my share of interesting stuff. I once drove by a roadside flea market that was miles long.
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