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Bought a 10-ton digital crane scale--what to do with it
I bought a 10-ton digital read-out crane scale today off Craigslist (a local steel plant went belly-up and I got it for $200--more than a tenth of the original price).
I could have used it two days ago loading two, 150 year old dismantled log cabins on a semi-truck but the job is finished. Day late and a dollar short I tell ya.
I originally bought it to hang from my 40' manlift which doubles as a crane or my bobcat forks/bucket to weigh heavy things (beams, wooden timbers, steel items) or loads around the yard (and for when Kenny Thompson comes over--don't want him breakin' my lawn chairs ya know).
Any (practical) ideas to do with it? It has a lifting eye on the top and big hook on the bottom.
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Bought a 10-ton digital crane scale--what to do with it
Ask shippers of heavy goods if they ever need to weigh something that could be lifted but for some reason can't be driven over a weigh-scale.
Offer it to other steel plants and similar for half price.
Put a big block of dry ice on it. As the ice turns to smoke the readout display slowly counts down. Park it in front of the bank that wouldn't give you a loan.
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Bought a 10-ton digital crane scale--what to do with it
I would get it calibrated for a start.
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Bought a 10-ton digital crane scale--what to do with it
High dollar door stop? But I know I've spent more and got less.
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Bought a 10-ton digital crane scale--what to do with it
See if any of the local stone yards or landscape supply places are interested n it.
Around here bulk tote bags are becoming a REALLY popular way to buy bulk materials. If they had a crane on the lift they could save a trip to (and across) the scales.
If you offer it to them for a reasonable price, to be paid in a credit at their yard, they might be willing to pay more than $200 even. 
Best of luck.
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Bought a 10-ton digital crane scale--what to do with it
Well thanks for the ideas guys. It was calibrated just before it was sold.
I paln to keep it. I was hoping for more applied uses that others have run across and said "DOH! I wish I had a way to weigh this!"
For exmaple, Murf, you had to measure the traction on parking areas at different temps (AND angles)--stuff like that. I was also looking for way to weigh my dump truck, skid steer, etc. like scrap yards do using what is called a weigh bridge. Murf I'm sure has some great ideas for that---other than go run across a certified scale.
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Bought a 10-ton digital crane scale--what to do with it
I was also looking for way to weigh my dump truck, skid steer, etc. like scrap yards do using what is called a weigh bridge. Murf I'm sure has some great ideas for that---other than go run across a certified scale.
The simplest would be to get someone with a wrecker to hook onto the vehicle with the scale between the boom and hook, then add the weight of both ends, not exact, but really close.
If you had a full size TLB or crane you could do it yourself.
You're not in south any more or I'd suggest you could, for a fee of course, settle the bets at the VFW on who's girlfriend weighs the most. 
Best of luck.
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