blind governor
It's just amazing for all the glitter of the past politician speeches of NY and it's gross fiscal unmanagement that it takes a non-elected govornor that is legelly blind to see they need to cut now!!!!!!
Now if only they manage to do it about ten years in a row they may get a handle on it and get rid of the past junk they created that has been antiquated for twenty years and make NY state the empire state again!
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blind governor
Every legislative body should be required to include a sunset provision and objective success criteria on every regulation and spending authorization they pass so that each must be reviewed and either renewed, canceled or rejected annually. At some point renewing old legislation will take most of their time and maybe then they will leave us alone.
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blind governor
I read somewhere about your blind governor, what is it they say about losing one sense and the others improve to make up the difference. I don't know how old the boy was but we saw a blind teenage boy playing in a piano recital that beat the sighted kids by a mile. We have a couple mid size citys here in Iowa that budget constraints caused the loss of several police persons and a good many city road and utility workers. The cries from the city halls were that things would all go to pot, but I really think things have gotten better since they pruned the dead wood, they weren't producing anyhow. Frank.
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blind governor
Frank they say one you get over 20 employee's you could loose 10% and never know it in production!!!! Kind of makes you wonder as I sit here on my key board typing this!
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blind governor
EASY ART! Good mechanics hard to replace. But it is funny how you eliminate 2-3 bad apples the rest of the tree perks up. Worked the same where ever I've been, eliminate dead weight, the rest happier freeloaders gone.
Our governor is chiseling away. I just hope our bad roads don't get worse.
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blind governor
But where are the cuts? He increased it by almost 6%. Oh, I forgot, when guberment wants to look good they propose a 15% increase and settle for 6% and then tell the sheeple that they cut spending 9%. God help us.
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blind governor
Cutter, they have been doing that for years! Many people don't realize that they are doing that from our schools to every branch of the government from federal to local towns. It's disgusting that local government goes out and spreads salt on a low snow year five minutes before the plow trucks leave! They know how to expand but not conserve.
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blind governor
In the mid 80's till the early 90's I spent two terms on our local school board, wow what an education!! I could have never served another term and kept my emotions under control. At that time starting salary for a beginning teacher right out of college was if my memory serves me right around 14K. When annual sallary negotations took place we usually settled with a 3-4% across the board incresae. My blood still boils that a young energetic first year teacher trying his or her best would get maybe a 500 dollar raise and some of the older ones would get a 1500-1800 dollar raise. Experence is good and should be rewarded but as in all industrys schools are no different, there were slackers protected by the state teachers union that the local board couldn't touch. The majority of the older ones were still doing their job, but a few knowing we couldn't touch them just coasted out doing next to nothing. The only power a local board had to fire a teacher was on a morals charge, BUT, you better have lots of absolute proof or the district could end up on the bad end with a lawsuit up the wazoo. I have no idea how other state school systems operate but in Iowa the local board has probably a 10 percent control of what happens in the district and the state has the rest. I'd better quit I'm starting to get mad. Frank.
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blind governor
Hardwood, not doubt Labor Unions have and do some good. But in some cases they are major problems. In our county the school board is so out of touch it is unreal. We build new bigger schools and close the older ones. Then we put portables at the just open schools cause they are too small. Then we let the old buildings sit until the roof falls in and then sell it on the private market for very little and all of a sudden the building is good enough for high price apartments or offices. A school building that should have been worth about a million easy sold for $200,000 due only to the way the building was shut and left for about four years before selling. But boy do we have pretty and new schools all across our county. To the point they want us to add sales tax on on the rich tourist to help now pay all the bonds. Property tax is about twice what it was just eight years ago not counting the increase in property value which also pushed it up. Even Ted Kennedy is smarter. kt
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blind governor
That pretty much sums it up 
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