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Help my grammer checker is broken
Hit the key and it did not sepll correctly, Hit another key and the, comma was in wrong place. Worked the throttle and out came adjectives and pronouns in black smoke. No power at all.
Even tried adding Webster and it did not clean up. Any suggestions??
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Sounds to me like it's getting too much fool, and not enough hot air....... 
But what do I know, both of my grandma's have passed away, and I put extra letters in words, like flavour, neighbour, behaviour, demeanour, cheque and saviour.
Maybe the problem is the Webster, he was not only an American, but from Connecticut, and therefore a Yankee to boot, probably has your southern grammer all plugged up. 
Best of luck.
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Certainly some of you have realized by now some of us are not working hard today, nor very serious.
It is good to have a time to think on our blessings. This afternoon have done some of that.
One of the blessings I thank God for is so many really great people here. It is fine if you give me a hard time or what ever for in a way you really will jump right in there and help. At same time realize you are glad it is only with computer keys and not the true mud hole with shovel I can get in and will with the Lords help be working around the next three days. It is my Prayer that each of us will realize how much we have to be thankful for and we will share our appreciation with our loved ones for there is no promise of next week for them or us.
May God fill each of your hearts with his joy and his peace, God Bless you my friends and goodby till Dec. Kenneth Thompson
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Gentlemen: It's grammAR. The wiktionary (an authorative source, eh) defines your spelling of grammER:
Misspelling of grammar
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Not south of the Mason-Dixon line it's not. 
My spelling was absolutely intentional. 
Jeff, you don't have the special 'internet' coating on your glasses, you can't see my tongue stuck firmly in my cheek!! 
Best of luck.
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Murf: Whew! For a sec there (or Kenny, is it their?) I was scared (or is it scarred?)--There is a God!
I can picture Kenny with my "internet" glasses reading the above thinking with confuthesed look, "Now boys, I don't see the diff'rence--so whadayallgittin'at? (turning to his lovely wife) "Hon, lemme run dis' pass (or is it past?) you--these Yanks are tellin' me sumthin' I jis can't wrap (or is it rap?) my lil' ol' mine (or is it mind) roun'--house (or is it how's?) dis' soun' ta yu?: I'm scarred (not scared this time) of the boogeyman--dat's rite (or is it right?) ain' it?" Yes Kenny like Murf said if you're sout the line, it would in fact be "scarred" hahahahahaha
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Jeff, it's funny, the slang and in many cases down-right wrong words are even funnier in print than they are when spoken.
A couple of years ago I got an email from a gal, a USMC MGYSGT (Master Gunnery Sargeant, fairly high-ranking enlisted rank) about a problem I had reported with an aircraft, I had asked her to check with the Maintenance Chief about a minor issue I had with an aircraft.
Obviously upset and embarrassed that the aircraft was found to be in less than perfect condition, her reply to me was that "she would go right over there and axe him, because he was responsible for that aircraft.".
I thought that was pretty tough discipline. 
Best of luck.
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Geez! Talk about corporal punishment! I'll bet he'll never not do that again.
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Some people have difficulty pronouncing their axes 
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Help my grammer checker is broken
Yo! Kenny, you started this thread--where ya been? I know you've been lurking around TP today sooooooo?
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