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Biodiesel--anyone made their own
Thanks for the info on the bolts. Sad to say many people don't understand the importance or difference between grades. Then they don't realize nuts come in different grades. Know that has been discussed here before.
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Biodiesel--anyone made their own
Sad to say many people don't understand the importance or difference between grades. Then they don't realize nuts come in different grades.
Kenny, back when I was running a fabricating shop I had a guy come in to inquire if I would weld up a trailer for him if he bought & cut all the steel himself. I pointed out to him that since I bought the steel wholesale and in bulk instead of small amounts and for retail $$ it would be cheaper for us to do the whole job.
He insisted that he had a 'connection' and could get the steel cheaper. So be it.
When I stated the charge by the hour and the time involved, and therefore the price, he nearly fell over.
He left mumbling something about doing it all himself.
A few months later he was back and asked me to make him a trailer.
I was a little curious so I asked.
He had bolted the entire thing together with Grade 2 bolts from the hardware store.
Going down the highway at 65mph several bolts let go and his and his buddy's 4 wheelers (top drawer stuff too) had become bowling balls.
So much for saving a few hundred bucks.
Best of luck.
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Biodiesel--anyone made their own
Kenny, not only do nuts and bolts come in grades but washers do too.
BTW, nuts coming in different grades...an' you saw this coming...what's your grade? tehehehe
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Biodiesel--anyone made their own
All you need is some vegtable oil(cooking oil), methanol(yellow bottle of HEET), and some lye(like your grandmother used to make soap), and some heat to speed things up.
The best site to find out about everything is the Biodiesel & SVO Discussion Forums at http://biodiesel.infopop.cc/6/ubb.x?a=cfrm&s=44760951
When searching, the JTF site comes up most often, but it's info is either outdated or simply incorrect.
Mixing a bunch of other ingredients does not produce BioDiesel.
It might burn in your engine, but it is not legally recognized as a fuel. It won't pollute less. I wouldn't trust it to not damage any of my engines.
You can process gallons batchs of BioDiesel by hand and use it for an lubrication improving additive. 2-5% does wonders with this ULSD crap we have to use now in everything that wasn't designed for it.
I could go on for hours, weeks.
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