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 12-05-2008, 14:52 Post: 158399

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

Originally Posted by earthwrks | view 158398
Simply put, if someone doesn't have a job, they have no money to eat let alone get work done. In the bigger scheme of things, when it comes to the economy it's like playing musical chairs.

Well, not for the next four years anyway - we're about to enter into the ObamaZone. What little wealth I've been able to accumulate - is soon going to be "redistributed". Presumably the recipients will include those who run out of food while playing musical chairs.


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 12-05-2008, 19:20 Post: 158411

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

EW; I don't have an answer, only opinions. Saving them is probably the only choice, with some limits and restrictions. First the existing managment at vastly reduced salarys should have a timeline of one year to turn things around, if not the non performing ones have their remaining assets liquidated back to the taxpayers. I realize that, "free trade", "it's a world economy now", and all that yammer come into play in this, but as many of you have known for quite a while, I have never bought or plan to buy a non domestic name on an auto or truck. Every non domestic unit sold here is just one more nail in big three's coffin, and should have a tax or tarrif high enough to discourage their sale here, again only opinion on my part. I have absolutely no faith in our new president being able to do any better than the current admistration, I too plan to make some changes in where my assets are held before he gets into power.

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 12-05-2008, 20:01 Post: 158412

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

The auto industry suffers from the same sickness as the government. So we have one virus fixing another.

Government has not made it easy for US automakers, nor have the unions or environmentalists.

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 12-05-2008, 20:57 Post: 158416

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

Unions. Who here has worked in the auto industry?

As a business owner myself albeit small, unions are a necessary evil. My dad was a union carpenter, and later a business owner. Unless you have worked for the car companies you have no idea of the ingrained anamosity that exists between a car company's mangement and their employees. And between the company and their suppliers. I worked 10 years for a supplier for the Big 3 and the nearly all the foreign makers. I was in a unique postion where I befriended the sales and engineering people and got to hear stories that would make your blood curdle. The B3 would beat us up so badly over price they demanded to see our books and then would literally dictate what profit we were to make---what other business does that and gets away with it? To top it off they would come back a few months later and tell us to reduce the price even more. When I left 10 years ago it got to the point we were having to wait as much as 6 months to year to get paid from them. In some cases they would renegotiate the payments even lower. The culture eventually invaded our company to the point we had internal departments competing for profitability--"profit centers" they called them. For example, office supplies used to be free to any department--just go to the stock office and request it. Then one day that stock office became a profit center. You had to pay for EVERYTHING. SO what happened? Some managers whose bonuses were now tied to their staff's spending told their staff not to buy ANYTHING--i.e. STEAL IT from another department. I came in one day and my desk had been ransacked by another department. I called this "internal cannibalism". The company went from 3,500 employees world wide with 35 plants to zero a few years later after the owner killed himself--he got caught up in not paying HIS suppliers just like what was done to him.

My point? Unions were created to keep management from abusing the workers---plain and simple. Unions in one form or another will be with us until Kingdom come.

Just one man's perspective.

I do agree, however it is time for change. But old habits die hard, The auto industry has 100 years of history and all of it isn't necessarily good.

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 12-05-2008, 21:40 Post: 158418

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

One comment on Unions, if each side does not respect the other you can not make them. If they don't realize it is in their best interest to treat all honest and fair then you end up with such a mess as the auto makers are. It is my impression many of the non big 3 auto makers plants are not union and have good relationships between all parties.

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 12-05-2008, 21:42 Post: 158419

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

Can't have our cake and eat it too. Unions were needed when children were used as slaves and sweat shops were the norm but what has occurred in the auto industry, teacher's unions, government employee unions etc is driving the companies/taxpayers into bankruptcy.

I have seen some places a union works, others they simply run the entity into the ground (or taxes into the sky) with ridiculous demands. Does management/government need to be thrown out as well? Absolutely, they signed the contracts!!

Another perspective. What needs to happen is a middle ground but unfortunately everybody has their hands in the pot. Just saying Smile

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 12-09-2008, 17:45 Post: 158478

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

Don't kill the messenger, okay guys? Here's a website that has been plastered on our local TV stations and in the newspapers---maybe you saw it about what has been happening about the topic. Hints: Alabama Gov. Shelby, a "Boy" and a "cott"--you do the math.

We're all brothers here--north and south, east and west--and this is just a discussion amongst friends, so don't take this out of context or personally, 'cept for Kenny Smile

Link:   Controversial website--enter at your own risk 

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 12-09-2008, 17:57 Post: 158479

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

Now I know where to go on my next vacation Smile

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 12-09-2008, 18:22 Post: 158480

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

Mud can be thrown in both directions, don't the folks in Alabama who pay taxes have a stake in this too? As I understand todays banter fifteen billion is the upper limit with a government watchdog overseeing how the cash is spread around. Some say keep the government out of it, but remember who government is, we are furnishing the jack and hopefully expect it back someday, so this "Watchdog" better be a pretty accountable person, or preferably a committe. If we don't do this I can see some undesireable mid east money just waiting for a chance to get control of the big three.

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 12-09-2008, 20:09 Post: 158484

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 What is your take on the Big-3 hearings

When there are no consequences for failure then you just get more failures.

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