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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
Yep, it got cold early, snowed early and just has not quit since prior to Thanksgiving week. It must be due to global warming huh We had one day a week ago that warmed enough for me to power wash my mowing equipment without it freezing up.
This week's storm started Friday morning, many areas of the state were declared in a state of emergency by late afternoon. I opened up the driveway with the Kubota last night so the wife could get in, fortunately she was able to leave a couple of hours earlier for the 70 mile trek home.
Today, it was so packed and heavy that I fired up the backhoe and used the loader to clear the drive and barnyard. Unfortunately, the base is not yet firm enough on the stone driveway to use the blower.
Wife just told me we have another one on the way tonight! This can't be, I mean, global warming and all 
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
This is funny. I started a post about this very thing a couple of days ago and then canceled it.
We've had more snow this calendar year than in any of the last 10, probably six feet or more. Several feet have fallen in the last week and there is no end in sight. My loader is getting a workout trying to keep the driveway passable, but it's sort of pointless since they're not plowing the main road. We can't get down the hill, there is ice everywhere.
It's funny, the Global Warming zealots claim that cold weather is a sign of global warming. They must have all outsourced their brains. By adding complexity to the warming theory it can be twisted into defying common sense, but Occam's Razor says that the simplest theory is generally the correct one - and the simplest explanation is that weather is cyclical. But nooooooo - the all powerful humanists must be in control of everything so it must be made complex that our primitive minds cannot understand.
The easiest way to piss off my liberal inlaws is to tell them how many feet of "global warming" I had to plow so far this year 
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
Amazing that so many can be confounded by so few, so often.
You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.
Abraham Lincoln, (attributed)
16th president of US (1809 - 1865)
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
We're socked in with a blizzard as I type this, where is Al Gore when we need him?
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
Franky, where's Al Gore? He's shovelling his driveway. Ha!
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
If there was ever any doubt that "global warming" was simply a tool for grabbing power it should have disappeared when they changed the terminology to "climate change". The climate is *always* changing, and by propagating the myth that any change is human caused they try to manipulate everyone through guilt. This is so transparent that anyone *should* be able to see through it, but way too many people have outsourced their thinking to so-called "experts".
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
Common on guys don't worry about thinking for your self. I've been told that President Obama, VP Joe B., Harry R. and Nancy P. will take care of everything. I assume that includes global warming, climate change, financial crisis, recession and all our other problems. Why with these people running the country I am sure I will sleep like a baby tonight.
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
Common on guys don't worry about thinking for yourself. I've been told that President Obama, VP Joe B., Harry R. and Nancy P. will take care of everything. I assume that includes global warming, climate change, financial crisis, recession and all our other problems. Why with these people running the country I am sure I will sleep like a baby tonight.
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
Common on guys don't worry about thinking for yourself. I've been told that President Obama, VP Joe B., Harry R. and Nancy P. will take care of everything. I assume that includes global warming, climate change, financial crisis, recession and all our other problems. Why with these people running the country I am sure I will sleep like a baby tonight.
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Wow This global warming is kicking our butts here
Common on guys don't worry about thinking for yourself. I've been told that President Obama, VP Joe B., Harry R. and Nancy P. will take care of everything. I assume that includes global warming, climate change, financial crisis, recession and all our other problems. Why with these people running the country I am sure I will sleep like a baby tonight.
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