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Oregon Icecicles
Took a picture this morning of this icecicle hanging over our deck. It measures out at 63", the biggest I've ever seen here. It might be a piker by some of your standards but it seemed pretty neat to me.
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Oregon Icecicles
Using the word "cool" for both meanings here. That really is an impressive background. Sure glad it is there.
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Oregon Icecicles
Most people believe that North Dakota is a place where they could easily find icicles hanging off the eaves. Not so.
It's just too cold here to form icicles -- which form when the snow on the roof melts, due to the sun heating the shingles, and then refreezes when the water comes in contact with the cold air. However, the sun is so low in the sky, and the air temperatures so cold where I live, that the roof never gets warm enough to melt the snow.
I might be able to provide a picture similar to yours in March or April, when the temps are a bit warmer, and the sun is a bit higher in the sky. Until then, the biggest icicle I'll see is the one hanging off the end of my furnace exhaust pipe. hehehe.
Nice photo. Thanks for sharing.
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Oregon Icecicles
Beautiful place!
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Oregon Icecicles
Thanks. We've been blessed and love it here, and Christmas was sure a pretty time.
There's a price to pay for living in the woods though. Power was out from about 5pm on the 24th until 10am on Christmas day, then it went out Christmas evening for another 10-12 hours, then it went out again a day later for ~12 hours. Plus another half dozen 1-2 hour long outages over the last two weeks.
I felt bad for all the linemen working over the holidays - double time is not enough for what those guys do.
At least there's no shortage of firewood! 
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Oregon Icecicles
If you are like me, and I believe you probably are, you have backups to backups so loss of power becomes an inconvenience for a few days, but not a devastating event. Worked many of those storms myself
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Oregon Icecicles
Even during outages we have light, TV, internet, pinball machines, cold and hot food, and, of course, coffee. But the only heat sources are space heaters and the fireplace (since the generator isn't big enough to start the heat pump). So the house does get a bit cold, and it's a pain to get up every few hours to feed the fireplace. I have been wanting to put gas fired radiant floor heat on the main floor for years now. All it takes is time and money. Maybe next year 
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