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 01-29-2009, 14:24 Post: 159908

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 Jet skis are so passe

Check this out - a water powered jet pack!

Link:   Water powered jet pack 

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 01-29-2009, 15:17 Post: 159913

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 Jet skis are so passe

I wonder how the Gummint will regulate this one?

A boat registration AND a pilots license?

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 01-29-2009, 15:39 Post: 159915

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 Jet skis are so passe

Technically it's not a 'boa', because it doesn't carry people or cargo, and you're not 'flying' because you're tethered.

But, I'm pretty sure the Goobermint will indeed want a pound of flesh somewhere along the lines.

BTW, just as an aside, speaking of flying tethered, I know of a farmer who was a pilot, he wanted to learn to fly a helicopter but didn't want to spend the money. He bought a kit, built himself a helicopter, then by just reading all he could find, and practising out in the farm yard, he learned to fly his own helicopter (while it was tethered to the ground of course!!!) then did the bare minimum hours and took his test!!

How he didn't manage to kill himself is beyond me, but he did it.

I am told however he did have to do several 'repairs' to the chopper before he had it down pat.

I can still remember my instructors words on learning to fly a helo..... "If you can pat your head, rub your stomach
and tap dance on top of a basketball all at the same time .. you'll have no problems at all."

That was pretty close to the truth of it too.

Best of luck.

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 01-29-2009, 16:01 Post: 159916

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 Jet skis are so passe

Pretty kewl. I've seen something like it for use on land using compressed air instead of water. It'd really suck if you got real high and somebody hits the OFF button!

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 01-29-2009, 17:08 Post: 159921

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 Jet skis are so passe

Wonder how long skin would last if his foot went under the stream of water? Then maybe this is "soft" water.

EW, the way many run jet skies, some one will run over the power pack.

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 01-30-2009, 19:26 Post: 159963

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 Jet skis are so passe

Another retired engineer with nothing better to do Smile

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