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 02-11-2009, 12:26 Post: 160223

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 Does your job make you nervous

Glad there are those who like this. If I had to do this, you would be in the DARK!

Link:   high voltage inspector 

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 02-11-2009, 18:42 Post: 160224

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 Does your job make you nervous

Neat isn't it? I was standing under one of them the other day.

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 02-12-2009, 08:26 Post: 160231

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 Does your job make you nervous

Cutter, I rather be standing under them also.

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 02-12-2009, 08:29 Post: 160232

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 Does your job make you nervous

I have flown over those lines and it is not a good feeling when you are simply trying to avoid them.

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 02-12-2009, 11:41 Post: 160235

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 Does your job make you nervous

My job makes me nervous since they have implemented "rolling blackouts", shutting down one week a month for the next few months. Given the sales decline I can't fault their logic.

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 02-12-2009, 16:18 Post: 160238

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 Does your job make you nervous

Ken, been there and it is not fun. Get into sales directly then you don't shut down that week, you remain working with the cut in income. Been in both places. Is the company doing the lay offs where you are eligible for unemployment that week? Not being nosey don't answer that but here they can.

Trust the money is there to allow you to afford all the jobs you want to do and now have the time for.

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 02-12-2009, 16:32 Post: 160241

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 Does your job make you nervous

Yeah, we're supposed to be eligible for unemployment for shutdown weeks, and there is a one week waiting period, but the first shutdown week is next week. Since Monday is a paid holiday I'll make too much for a waiting period week.

So next months shutdown will be a waiting period week, and after the waiting period week I would be eligible for unemployment for any additional lost work weeks, except...

I have my own S-corp consulting business and since I opted out of paying unemployment insurance for my employees (there are none except me) my eligibility will be in question. As an S-corp I have to pay FUTA every year but as an officer of the company (and only employee) I'm not eligible. Another government theft ring in action.

So nobody knows how to handle this situation.

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 02-12-2009, 17:32 Post: 160246

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 Does your job make you nervous

I think you will find they will ask did you do any work for which you will be paid for that week. But if they are as lax there as they are here right now they may not ask anything. I let an employee go recently and she was the first who ever hit me for unemployment. I was expecting it for knew she was really wanting some time off.

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 02-12-2009, 18:23 Post: 160249

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 Does your job make you nervous

I know one of the guys who does that job, the flying part, not the 'other' crazy part. Laughing out loud

He's also a high time rotor pilot, but I wouldn't like to try it myself.

I'm more like Cutter, I'm happier trying to avoid them, than to get up close and personal with them.

Best of luck.

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