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 03-16-2009, 17:16 Post: 161138

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KT: Don't your gas grill have the red button to push and wait for the KABOOM?

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 03-17-2009, 14:39 Post: 161168

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Speaking of propane grills.... I have done some reading on what we put in our BBQ's.

Both the wife and I think that propane leaves a "taste" on the food. If the grill is piped into a natural gas line it doesn't seem to leave the after taste.

Turns out that propane is made from oil. Didn't know that. Alway thought it came from some sort of natural gas fraction.

Then I learned that most brands of charcoal is just that... coal....... or at least there is a significant portion of the briquette that is coal. This is not something I want to cook my food on.

Solution? I am trying a wood pellet grill that uses "food grade" pellets. The taste is really improved, but the downside this that it needs 110 volt AC to run, so I still have to figure out what I can do for camping.

Check the link....

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 03-17-2009, 14:52 Post: 161171

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Originally Posted by hardwood | view 161138
KT: Don't your gas grill have the red button to push and wait for the KABOOM?

Hit and miss on it working. The lighting not the kaboom!

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 03-17-2009, 14:58 Post: 161172

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I've been cooking over a wood fire grill for years. With a bit of prep time a couple of times a year it's not much if any slower than a propane or gas grill.

The only electricity required is to keep the beverages cold, and see what I'm doing if it's a late dinner.

Besides, after the roadkill is off the grill I can top up the fire and stay warm while I watch the bats eat all my mosquitoes. Laughing out loud

Best of luck.

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 03-17-2009, 19:22 Post: 161179

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 Worthless gadgets

Originally Posted by DRankin | view 161168
Speaking of propane grills.... I have done some reading on what we put in our BBQ's.Both the wife and I think that propane leaves a "taste" on the food. If the grill is piped into a natural gas line it doesn't seem to leave the after taste. Turns out that propane is made from oil. Didn't know that. Alway thought it came from some sort of natural gas fraction.Then I learned that most brands of charcoal is just that... coal....... or at least there is a significant portion of the briquette that is coal. This is not something I want to cook my food on.Solution? I am trying a wood pellet grill that uses "food grade" pellets. ....


Since I was finishing my basement this winter I had quite a bit of dimensional lumber that I thought I could burn in my wood stove. Before I did I searched the web for opinions on whether this was a good idea.

Turns out that lumber is usually brought to market by floating it in water, quite often salt water, then in the mills the wood and or saws are coated with lubricants so the wood can be cut without dulling the saw too quickly.

The end result was that enough of these contaminents are in dimensional lumber so that burning it in a stove will corrode a stainless steel flu liner so much that it will be unsafe in a short period of time.

If that is the case for dimensional lumber, I would imagine that the sawdust that is used for pellets, is even more impregnated with these lubricants and salts than dimensional lumber. Whether or not these can harm you is anyones guess !


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 03-17-2009, 19:57 Post: 161183

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I'm glad the subject of grills came up, our old gas one has been a grill too long. My cooking skills on the grill are primitive at their best and the Mrs. don't like to do the grilling so I'm for just skipping the whole deal and order a pizza. But the number three son is a skilled cook whether it be with a grill or a kitchen stove, so when they show up he does the grilling. So charcoal, propane, real wood? what do you guys prefer? "Bill Nye the Science Guy" made a solar one out of tinfoil on the TV.

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 03-17-2009, 23:33 Post: 161189

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Dennis... interesting, that fills in some gaps for me.

The guy who owns Green Mountain Grills is real picky about what he puts in his food grade pellets, nothing but clean hardwoods. Apparently there is also an industry standard to be observed.

They do go on about not using standard heating pellets to cook food. Now I have an idea why.

Frank....... If you grew up around a wood stove in the kitchen, the food from a wood pellet grill will taste real familiar to you.

They call it a grill but it is actually an oven; the food is never exposed directly to the flames. It can function as a grill because you can crank it up and the steel plate between the fire and to food gets red hot.

It makes a fine steak and roasts a very tasty turkey. Someday soon I will bake a pizza in it and even try baking bread.

The units are a bit spendy, but so far I am really liking the food prepared in it.

Dennis.... my pellet stove that heats the house runs very hot, like a forge, due to the air being pumped into the burn pot all the time. I imagine the would take care of some of the left over lubricants and such.

I think you are right about the salt content too, the pellet bag labels carry a "does not exceed" statement for salt content and now I know why.

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 03-18-2009, 08:32 Post: 161197

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DRankin; Yes I carried in lots of wood for the kitchen range when I was a kid. Mother would use a few corncobs and some kerosene to get the wood going, the wood smelled good but the kerosene smell lingered a bit.
I haven't saw this thing, but a neighbor was telling me that he has a home made grill that uses an electric heater of some sort.

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