UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
Hardwood will LOVE this article in Business Week magazine:
UPS will begin using a hydraulic hybrid in their delivery trucks. NO GEAR-DRIVES! Long live the hydraulic drive system!
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
Come on Franky--git your helmet. Us HST guys are closing in on you.
Oh, and were YOU learning to ride a tricycle--or driving a car--when UPS was founded?
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
OK, guess you can compare me to the folks who said the dial telephone would never catch on. First ones to be tested in Minneapolis, that might give them an honest test when the pump is pushing hydraulic fluid around that is like molasses at 40 below.
Heard a show on NPR a week or so ago about batteries for hybrids and total electric cars. Doctor Somebody a researcher was predicting that new battery tedhnoligy is evolving to the point tha within a few years a battery the size of a suitcase will power a car for severral hundred miles and can be recharged in an hour or less. He did comment that the hour or less recharge would require more than a 110 volt outlet.
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
I can see the headlines now, UPS truck crashes thru store front, regenerative brakes out of oil.
EW; I'm not sure they had invented tricyles yet when I was a kid.
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
Was "the wheel" invented yet?
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
Jeff, this story isn't about efficiency per se, it's about minimizing losses.
The HST is not as efficient at driving down the road as a gear drive setup, but the losses are less than the combination of inefficient starts from a dead stop and the lost energy from braking.
Basically they are hedging their bets is all.
There's a company in England called "Smith Electric Vehicles" that have been making all electric trucks since the 1920's. Almost every bread and milk truck in big cities in Ireland is electric, and in several cities they have laws saying 'resident fleets' (those based in town) must be non-petroleum burning powered.
In the town where my family is the sound of a diesel truck is enough to turn heads.
Best of luck.
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
Yeah I know gears are more efficient , I just wanted to razz ol' Franky. In fact my HST vs. a gear is rated at using one HP more than a gear.
I have to think that article may have over-simplified the mechanicals. Indeed a gear transmission may at the front of the axle for the simple fact the drive shaft may be turning 4 times the speed of the axles. Just a guess.
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
Yeah I know gears are more efficient , I just wanted to razz ol' Franky. In fact my HST vs. a gear is rated at using one HP more than a gear.
I have to think that article may have over-simplified the mechanicals. Indeed a gear transmission may at the front of the axle for the simple fact the drive shaft may be turning 4 times the speed of the axles. Just a guess.
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UPS trucks to use hydraulic drive and regenerative braking
I just wanted to razz ol' Franky.
And you weren't the only one razzing either. 
Best of luck.
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