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Favorite TractorPoint Tips
While trimming trees along the driveway today with a Stihl 192 chainsaw I began to think of all the good tips I've picked up from Tractorpoint. Chief told me about that chainsaw here and it may well be the single best tool I've ever bought. Light, reliable and absolutely perfect for pruning doug firs.
Then there's the Bad River 3-point hitch to 2" receiver adapter that is indispensable. Learned about that one here too.
And since I still have all appendages the safety tips have helped too. The advice on setting up the tractor for hillside stability have been life savers.
Then there's the pallet-to-firewood-crib conversion that makes firewood handling so much easier.
While thinking about all the good information I've received from TP it seemed like an interesting topic.
What are some of the best tips you've received or shared from being a member of TractorPoint?
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Favorite TractorPoint Tips
I have picked up a lot of good tips, too many to mention all of them but probably the one I use most was the one for the receiver hitch attachment for my loader bucket. I use it every time I move my dump trailer in and out of my tight fitting shed. Other good ones have been the Payne forks for my loader and the B. R. receiver hitch already mentioned by K.S.
I must say I have gotten back much more that I have contributed. I really appreciate all those that do contribute.
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Favorite TractorPoint Tips
There are many, but let me say this in general. This newsgroup works exactly as a newsgroup should. For instance, I'm an inveterate question-asker, and every one of my perhaps hundreds of questions has always been answered, and answered well. In turn, I offer what help I can, and only wish that my level of expertise was higher.
Add the good grace and good humor, and it makes the postings a pleasure to browse through. The same cannot be said for other such newsgroups. Whoever set up and maintains this one has my appreciation.
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Favorite TractorPoint Tips
There are many, but let me say this in general. This newsgroup works exactly as a newsgroup should. For instance, I'm an inveterate question-asker, and every one of my perhaps hundreds of questions has always been answered, and answered well. In turn, I offer what help I can, and only wish that my level of expertise was higher. Add the good grace and good humor, and it makes the postings a pleasure to browse through. The same cannot be said for other such newsgroups. Whoever set up and maintains this one has my appreciation.
My sentiments exactly, well stated!
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Favorite TractorPoint Tips
Yes, a pretty neat group here, curtious common sense replies are commonplace 99.9% of the time. I've asked for advice on everything from electric welders to snow tires and always got good advice.
Dennis has done a fine job of sorting out the occasional caustic poster, something that I don't see on many other sites. Posters will get to arguing over mostly Mickey Mouse things and get downright nasty name calling run it into the ground threads. I just don't post on them.
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Favorite TractorPoint Tips
my best tip was a toothbar but I remember the stihl 192 that Chief told us about. I couldn't afford it so I bought a ms170--nice saw. also remember him and Drankin leaving the forum over trivial stuff---glad they came back. we don't need that kind 'o stuff here. have learned so much here. thanks to all and remember our vets--everyone be safe this summer.
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Favorite TractorPoint Tips
I have received a lot of advice on mower for ditches and moving dirt that each has been used and appreciated. The mower advice probably saved me a few hundred if not thousands of dollars. BTW, have a new one for excavator I hope to have running in next week or two depending on fittings and weather.
But the biggest thing I probably have gathered from here are two, some great internet friends who I really respect and THINK before you do it and THINK while you are doing it. Guess back to Ken's safety suggestions.
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