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Thank You Veterans
A big THANK YOU to all veterans for your service to your country. We owe our freedoms to you and I pray that the rest of us will "man up" and do what is required to preserve them.
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Thank You Veterans
Yes, a big Amen to that.
To our Canadian friends, do you have a similar day up there?
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Thank You Veterans
Ken, for my small contribution, you are truly most welcome.
Frank, we do indeed, except up here it's called "Remembrance Day" and it's not a national holiday, it is however a holiday in all Provinces & Territories except Ontario & Quebec.
Semper Fi.
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Thank You Veterans
Also say thanks to all who has given so much.
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Thank You Veterans
In an absolutely wonderful show of true "remembrance" to our vets here, five Canadian Universities have announced they will offer for free to the children of any Canadian soldier killed in military action, four years of tuition and their first year residence and meals!
Kudos go to, McMaster University in Ontario, Memorial University in Newfoundland, the University of Ottawa, the University of Windsor and the University of Calgary.
According to the scuttle-butt at yesterdays wreath-laying services many more universities are expected to follow suit.
It's also expected the Gov. will announce some form of program to assist the orphans of Veterans to get secondary educations, likely in the form of interest-free loans and/or lower entrance requirements for them.
Best of luck.
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