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8000 00 Electric Motorcycle
Last evening on the news they featured someone in Oregon, I think, who is manufacturing "Green" motorcycles. Top speed 50, range on a battery charge 25 miles, uses 110 house current, they didn't say how long a recharge takes. They have the apearance of a crotch rocket.
His big thing is no polutants are spewing from an exhaust pipe, but somewhere unless wind, nuke, or water power are producing the electricity some polutants are being produced
Seems like a lot of money to not go very far on a charge.
BUT!!! It is AMERICAN MADE. We better cheer on guys like him. Better batteries, cleaner power plants, who knows.
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8000 00 Electric Motorcycle
As Jay Leno would say, "Exactly!"
I like my e-bicycle (cost $500 new). In Ontario, because it has limited top speed, engine power, etc., no need for registration, insurance, licence. In its third year, it gets me to the store and back. The lead-acid battery is simple, cheap, and heavy.
For $8k, that one must use a lithium-ion or mag-hydride. Reminds me of something I read here about the Chevy Volt:
"Wow -- it will take me 40 miles without a recharge. Of course, so will a gallon of gasoline -- which won't cost an extra $10,000 for the battery pack."
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8000 00 Electric Motorcycle
The news story did show Jay standing beside one, but didn't really say if he owns one.
Those little electric bicycles do intrest me, what kind is yours?
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8000 00 Electric Motorcycle
Frank, was this the bike?
By the way, if your into mechanical things, an excellent site.
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8000 00 Electric Motorcycle
Hard, it says Schwinn on it, but I'm not sure who really made it. Has tires like the old Schwinn balloon-tire models (because of the weight even with the aluminum frame). Seven speeds (gears on the rear axle but not at the pedals). Replaced the battery after two years after letting it sit the winter uncharged.
In Canada it came out at $600, later lowered to 5, then some at $350. Bell, front & rear lights, mirror but no fenders or carrier. As a bike it works perfectly well, with the quality of about a $2-300 non-ebike.
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8000 00 Electric Motorcycle
Check out "zeromotorcycles.com" for moto-cross and street machines. If I had some extra cash, I'd get one!
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