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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
As most of you know l'm minutes from all of Detroit's auto maker HQs--and even some foreign concerns like Toyota's R&D center.
As such, for this region of Michigan the local media has been waiting with baited breath to see how Toyota's recentmost woes will in turn potentially greatly benefit our American auto industry. (Myself having worked closely Toyota in the late '80's through late '90's, I was shocked at the latest qualilty and safety developments could have even happened; Toyota was the industry posterchild for quality in every aspect of car building. It was not uncommon when a mfg. issue came up to hear higher ups ask "what is Toyota doing about it that we can do (to imitate them)?"
What are your thoughts out there in not-Detroitistan?
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
It could increase sales of Japan-made cars -- as soon as it's announced that only models with North-American-made throttle assemblies were flawed.
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
It could increase sales of Japan-made cars -- as soon as it's announced that only models with North-American-made throttle assemblies were flawed.
Auer are you saying that IS the case; oddly the local media has been mum on the real issue even saying Toyota won't talk about it.
Just to disect your reply a bit--what if it's a design flaw instead. I dunno...regardless of who or where it was made, Toyota is ultimately responsible.
Are you connected to the industry?
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
I don't think it will matter, Toyota's sales will fall off briefly and then bounce back. Detroit is done for good. They may hang on for awhile but they are walking dead, like most US industries, until western pay scales are comparable to the rest of the world (i.e. when everyone is equally miserable).
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
It is hard in any company to be sure that all people are properly hooked to the cart to keep it headed in one direction!
It is unfortunate and chances are there will be another, this is not their first mistake but they certainly haven't had the issues in the past of the american car companies.
At the time of Toyota reliability they were not overloaded with options to fail like there american counterparts. They were good performing reliable base cars.
We did just buy our first american(named) car for personal use that we have owned in a while. This is the first time I've personally owned one for over forty years. I can only hope that it can be as reliable and as good of a value as the previous cars we were driving. We do use ttheir trucks in the company and we have seen relatively good service other then the diesels seem to have a lot of electrical issues.
I still have issues with the wages in detroit and as to where the values might be, I would not buy from a bailed out company as I believe they should have just failed, thats capitalism! That also includes the banks and investment firms.
I might sound hard here but when trying to expand our business the government has not been a good partner or anyone we could count on other then to be taxed more and require us to have more people just to make sure we are compliant with regulations for them.
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
My understanding of problem is gas padel got stuck under floor mat and has only had 8 issues? I can not see a concern. Pay attention to the floor mat DUH! But lets blame somebody else because were are stupid!
Talk about wages I get a real beef. CIC (Communist in Chief) wants any project over 25 million to have union only workers on it to include sub contractors and material suppliers. WTF is that about except to force small companies to unionize to participate.
My next vehicle is a Mercedes I think.
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
I'm not a part of the industry, EW, though my next-door neighbor ran the TMMC plant (Toyota Motor Manufacturing Company) in Cambridge, and Toyota's other Ontario plant is close by.
It originally seemed to be the same non-anchored mat problem as with other makes. Simple problem, simple solution. Then one owner reported his car over-reved after the driver's mat had been removed, another when he was sitting at a stop light, and an automotive engineer (not with Toyota) was quoted as saying there was no way a Toyota mat could accidently jam the pedal.
The next suspect was the higher-end vehicles with dive-by-wire (non-mechanical) throttles, and no ignition key to shut it down. This is still under review.
The third suspect, and what caused the current suspensions, is that the throttle assembly (a part they sourced to a Toronto-area maker that also supplies others such as Ford) met new-part quality control but can stick after around 100,000 miles of wear.
Fourth, Toyota is quietly convinced that a couple of low-speed cases were wrong-pedal driver error.
Out of this confusion, two things. 1. There's probably more than one cause. 2. Whatever it is, they are determined to not let it happen again -- regardless of cost.
Incidentally, new textbooks in management theory and organizational behavior are being held at the press stage while the authors prepare a new case study of how to handle (or not handle) an issue of this magnitude and publicity.
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
My understanding of problem is gas padel got stuck under floor mat and has only had 8 issues? I can not see a concern. Pay attention to the floor mat DUH! But lets blame somebody else because were are stupid!
Pretty much what I was thinking.
Maybe they should a) educate (finally) the drivers, b) leave the cars alone, and c) recall 8 or 10 million lawyers and "refit" them with better control units.
My $0.02 (Canadian) worth..........
Best of luck.
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
I won't throw a dog in this fight, I think most of the old timers around here know my feelings about cars sold or built here by overseas by owned corporations. None of them sent a sympathy card to Ford or GM.
My parents bougth a new 1961 Chevy with a 283 four barrel. There was a throttle return spring that would catch on something holding the throttle wide open, in those days you could cut the key switch and still steer, so Dad fixed it himself. That would be a lawyers dream come true today.
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Your opinions on current Toyota woes--fallout good for Detroit
Yes I think it will short term hurt Toyota but depending on what is proven it could help or hurt.
But based upon accidents in US vechiles and repairs on them, GM and certainly Chrysler have no opportunity to live at our house. Ford...maybe.
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