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Oddest help here
I have learned it matters little what help is needed on some one here probably can help. Made me wonder what is the oddest item you found either asked for or got help for here?
My most recent is cell phone but enjoying conversation on ammo.
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Oddest help here
OK, here's one for starters.
I got three "Shop Cats" born about June first that run all over the place in the shop. Now, I probably have more of those red plastic Folgers coffee cans than the Folgers company full of every size screw, nail, bolt, fasteners, and all sorts of usless junk.
Ok, here is the problem, these cats are the most well fed cats in eastern Iowa, but if I leave the lid off one of the coffee cans for more than a minute or two they dive in grabbing a mouth full of screws or whatever like they are starving or something and string them all over the place. I have to run a magnet over the sawdust before sweeping up.
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Oddest help here
Kenny it would have to be "what is a redneck?" Very informative.
Franky, sounds like your cats are lacking "iron" in their diet.
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Oddest help here
You could soak all your old hardware in a bitter apple solution 
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Oddest help here
Yes, one of the attractions of this site is the variety of questions and the helpfulness of the answers.
I get more easily discouraged as I get older, but now when I have a problem or question that would ordinarily depress me, I just say, "One of those bright guys on TractorPoint will have the answer."
So thanks. On behalf of both my machinery and my mental health!
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Oddest help here
I'll be the first to admit the question I posed about the cats while absolutely true was kind of a waste of computer time, but we all need to lighten up a bit now and then.
During my working life I was so engrosed in my work that I had a hard time understanding that you should also mix a bit of recreation in too.
The most obvious soulution to the screw eating cats is to introduce them to the great out of doors, but I don't have the heart to do that till it warms up some.
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Oddest help here
I must say that over the years I certainly have seen some far-ranging topics and questions here. A couple of pretty 'out there' answers have been offered too.
However, some of the most interesting ones are those I got through the private message (email) function. Several in particular stand out.
The first was a lady, the wife of a member, who emailed me to ask if there was a way to convert a portion of their lawn to a putting green for her husband, and could it be done without him noticing. She wanted to surprise him for their anniversary.
The second was a guy who asked if there was something he could apply to his neighbours lawn to attract skunks. It seems he had a neighbour who everybody thought was a real jerk and who sat outside on the patio watching (and screaming at) sports on a TV out there till all hours. He figured if the yard was over-run by skunks the guy would shut up and go inside.
My all-time funniest was the guy who wanted the perfect lawn, sort of. It seems his son-in-law & daughter had moved in. After a while rent had been suggested as a 'motivation' for the kids to find their own place. It back-fired when the Mrs. suggested 'chores' as payment. So when his riding mower died he decided, while watching his S-I-L pushing a 19" mower, that making the grass cutting more work would help motivate the kid. He followed my instructions and had grass so thick and lush it had to be cut twice a week in the first season.
The kids were out by September.
I got a really big thanks, it seems I
not only got him rid of 'Freddie the free-loader', but the Mrs. actually suggested he buy a new tractor to cut this thick
new lawn!
Beat of luck.
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Oddest help here
Murf: "out there"...uuhhh... was that a thinly veiled jab at my ACME electromagnet-and-barge idea (boing boing boing)?
BTW, down sout' cleaning up debris in swamps I saw many a set up like that on not just barges but huge swamp walkers or buggies---floating, tracked machines some 20 feet wide x 50 long. The tracks were made wood slats about 5 feet wide.
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Oddest help here
Auerbach, boy do I agree with your comments.
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Oddest help here
No, sorry there Jeff, you're Acme electromagnet idea was way down the crazy idea scale in the greater theme of things that have been suggested.
The fancy frills on the sunshade canopy was up there, but still not top
of the list.
Best of luck.
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