Those MICE
They got into my excavator and chewed up a bunch of the foam insulation in the engine compartment. About jumped out of my skin when I tilted the seat up and found a nest with little pink rodents and the parents. KILL was the word of the day, beyond that CLEAN, CLEAN, CLEAN! Fortunately all is OK now. But it's war with them from now on!!
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Those MICE
It might be I don't appreciate the cats that roam my area enough. Guess brushing off the seat before crawling on the tractor or excavator is small price to pay for good guard service. 
Did have a corn/bean planter one year lacked to fail to find what the problem was with seed spilling out. Finally realize rat (mice?) next in the drop tube backing it all up.
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Those MICE
I walked into the garage last year and turned on the 16 gallon/6HP shopvac. All I heard was a high pitched wheeeeeeeee....
Before I could switch it off to find the blockage, it went Phuuuut! and spit a whole nest of pinkies out the exhaust port and across the garage.
That said, nothing I tried ever kept up with the birth rate of those little suckers, until the neighbor got a couple of outside/barn cats.
They are amazingly effective. Now instead of trapping mice on a daily basis, I might catch 6 a year. I would estimate they have reduced the rodent population by 95-99 percent.
Might be worth a trip to the pound and a $10.00 investment in cat food.............
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Those MICE
I had field mice in my garage. Bought a few buck's worth of pelletized mice bait and no more mice. That was 6 months ago.
About the same time I had a very sickening odor in my skid steer cab which is enclosed. (No, Kenny it wasn't me)
Turned out a mouse had made it's home in the cab air filter in the headliner and was peein' downward in the filter toward me. Niiiiice.
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Those MICE
I'm battling bats in the attic for the second year in a row. Federally protected species my a$$. We paid a bundle last year to evict and seal the damn things and they're back again. Thankfully there's a one year warranty. Of course they avoid the bat house I erected 3-4 years ago. Why shouldn't they, the attic is so much roomier? If they come back next year I suspect there will be a coincidental insect infestation in the attic that requires a bug bomb or six.
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Those MICE
Wow, after reading this I don't feel so alone in my endeavor to make rodents extinct. I have fed ferrel cats to keep them around and also have two red fox that hunt around the barn.
For the second time this year I dressed in anti-wasp garb and attacked a huge nest in the crawl space over my garage yesterday. It's been ongoing with those things all summer. I ran over a ground nest with the old Chalmers while bush hogging, that was a shocker too.
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Those MICE
When ever I see something about mice or rats it reminds me of story Comedian Jerry Clower tells about ridding the old fallen down chicken coop of rats. Jerry tell it it funny but here go: He tell about pouring lots of gas and oil down a very large rat hole and throwing in a match. Out ran a hundred burning rats and they were headed for the filled hay barn.
You have to have Jerry tell it for full effect.
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Those MICE
A guy at the state fair was selling the "Rodenator". First pumps hole full of propane, then ignites it. Blasts them dead in the hole.
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Those MICE
That propane deal wouldn't work well here as I rarely see a burrow.
Did I ever tell you abut the time I was on vacation and the truck seemed to be losing power? Finally opened the air cleaner housing and found it totally packed with nest material and food?
Or the time I switched on the heater on a very cold day and the fan wouldn't turn? Yup. Mouse nest and sliced/diced mice found therein. $175 repair bill..........
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Those MICE
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