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Tree Damage
Thanks KT and Auer, interesting that although the insurance company can send an adjuster out they don't even wait for his assessment. Interesting that they are not obligated to the adjuster.
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Tree Damage
Crunch, in today's world my guess is the adjuster info was to the company within a few minutes of their leaving you.
It does amaze me how much claims service can vary between companies. About 20 years ago we had a wind or very mild tornado that damaged our house as one of the first two hit. A friend of mine was one of the last about 5 miles or so away. The adjuster told my wife we did not have enough damage to meet our $500 or $1,000 deductible and about a month later had to write us a check for over $10,000. The biggest damage to my friends was it blew in three garage doors and blew out the back wall. The adjuster wanted them to reused the materials from the old back wall. Contractor told him sure we can save some on materials but do you have any idea how much that salvage labor will be?
About 3 years later my friends house (which we had insured then) suffered damaged to the roof by a hurricane. Now realize such major events brings in "get the claims handled" attitude but when my friend called the company and spoke to the adjuster he was asked and how much will it cost to repair it? Shocked him, they took one contractor price and mailed the check and never saw the damage that he was aware of. He was the best ad you could ever have. But the second company told it's agents which shocked me, an insured contacts you with a claim on their house for such damage as yours, write them a check if they dollar amount they ask for seems reasonable. Two reasons, the claim can only get larger the more it is argued (what happened with our house) and quick payment builds customers.
Then the same company who handled my friends claim so quickly gave a person I knew who had bought with a different agency pure havoc. He was a young adjuster and let it be known he was going to save the company money on that claim. Sad part was his agent did not care. I furnished him with the company's own documents that proved the adjuster was totally wrong. Of all your insurance polcies the one you do want stored away from your home is the coverage on it, at least a full copy of it.
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