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Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Hopefully you will all be able to spend the day happily with those most important to you. It's important to maintain perspective and be thankful for what we all have since life and circumstances are so very fragile.
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Happy Thanksgiving
A Thanksgiving greeting to you and all the great folks here at TP.
This is the first year that we aren't having a dinner here at home, the kids think Mom desrves a rest. Todat at the youngest daughter's, Sunday at the youngest son's house.
We have plenty to be thankfull for, we, our kids and grandkids are all in as good of health as can be. Our son's cancer is in remission. Everybodys jobs are still holding together. The LP tanks ae full, freezer is full of last summer's garden produce, the tv and the internet all work fine. Yes we have a lot to be thankfull for.
We try to help the local food banks, and the local Deputy Sheriff's assoc. with their efforts to help the less fortunate.
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Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone on TP. Its our first without the kids, both married now and we will see them on Christmas. Its kind of nice having a quiet Thanksgiving for a change.
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Happy Thanksgiving
I realize I am past Thanksgiving Day but we are all so blessed. Crunch our two are married with children so they all end up here for every such occasion and thankful they not only do but want to. Now mine live within 10 miles also.
Frank, ours rather come help in our kitchen.
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