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Retired - Whats Next
I am too young to retire at 58 but 70 hour work weeks took a toll on me. So after 33 years I retired and returned to work as a contractor. Now that they have to pay for my hours they are very concerned that I don't work excessive hours. So I am pretty happy with the deal. However, I only have a 6 mo contract so have to begin getting new engagements pretty soon.
It was time to begin another phase of life. I figured I will have to work forever so I might as well learn to survive on my own. I set up an LLC (Clear View Statistics) and hopefully will fill in some time before this first engagement ends.
I hope to see more tractor time this year. Last year I extended a neighbor's lawn, planted some trees for another and I have some projects for other neighbors this year. All are free work just to make sure I have some friends 
I have begun to sell some excess stuff in my house. I am getting my wife to clean house. And gone is my precious Gravely lawn tractor. I have my old beer making supplies for sale. Time to downsize. But my tractor will be here until I can't remember what it is.
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Retired - Whats Next
I hear ya I'm in the window but no way do I see surviving on my 401, savings, SS and military with this scum bag in the white house and the really worthless garbage this state sent back to the senate. 2012 hopefully will clean out the rest of the vermin and get us back on the right track.
I'll see what it looks like at 65-66. BUT I do have to say I get up every morning and look forward to going and play in the big sand box. Some days are not great fun but if it was easy anybody could do it.
Enjoy the Consulting and stats.
GOOD LUCK withe Retirement.
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Retired - Whats Next
Thanks Harvey. I can't begin tapping the 401K yet. Also, the big corporation capped my retirement income years ago so its just enough to pay taxes and health care. I am one of the lucky ones. Today's younger employees get a 5% salary match and thats it - no 401K.
We are going to have to learn to live on less. This was a gamble that I could lose or just remain even. After watching buddies peel away with cancer I just decided that I would rather have less and end my years being more in charge of my time.
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Retired - Whats Next
Congratulations, but I gotta say, with you starting a consulting business you don't sound very retired to me!
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Retired - Whats Next
"Retirement is the most jarring and disruptive life change. The retiree loses purpose, occupational identification and self-image, ...."
So I said in my guff-filled lectures in developmental psychology. Then I hit 65 and got kicke -- excuse me -- retired.
Traumatic? Baloney. Changes: don't have to get up before I want, no more migraines, needn't check my fly's zipped, costs for lunches, haircuts, clothing and drycleaning dropped to zero, my fuel to half. It's been the best decade so far. And I can spend time as I wish. Like blathering to you good people.
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Retired - Whats Next
Hope it works well for you. I am only months behind you in age and retiring is not in my thoughts then my business allows for it to fit my want to.
It is as anything else is, what you plan for and make of it. Most people who retire become hard to find, no spare time, don't know when to get it all done.
Have a great one!
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Retired - Whats Next
I never wanted to retire, I'm 70 now, but an injury at 64 forced me to slow down. I've got friends who act like a giant weight was lifted off their shoulders when they retired, now they sit around down south somewhere doing nothing.
I tried golf, a bit of travel, went down south for a while, couldn't stand it, I had to get home to do something. The Mrs. don't like to travel, she is happy staying home reading and tending flowers.
My Father lived to be 95 and never missed a day at the shop till he was 90.
Long as I'm able I want to continue doing something productive.
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Retired - Whats Next
Retierment---Well I'm 99% retired ---self employed carpenter 67 year old. I don't miss going to work everyday, people callin all the time & forgeting something at the lumberyard after I got back to the job. I don't miss baby sitting helpers ( rarely had them) & don't miss some asking for estimates ( I never gave estimates --nope). And I now rise at 4:30 am --ready to go--used to get up bout 6 am.
What I do miss is going to town for supplies--always saw some friends I know at the lumber yard or a eatin place.
Sometimes I wonder how I got everything around here while I was still working----cause now there is still all that stuff to do & I never catch up.
Don't have much & coming in---just SS. & small retiremnts. I have gone from the saving mode to the spending mode & if I see It--want it --have the $ in the bank ---I buy it.(Yes I have saved some over the years)
Now if I don't feel like splitin wood or weedeating etc. I just hop on my ATV & go for a ride. Or take my backhoe out for a play. (100 HRS. on it in 6 months--love it).
I don't watch TV or take naps----But then being retiered is doin what ya want. 
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Retired - Whats Next
The one thing I found with my Mama and in laws when they retired (Dad passed away younger than I am) was trying to find them! 
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