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Hydraulic OIL STAIN
Wooooo is me---I was filling the hydraulic tank on my excavator when the funnel fell off---thus spilling some oil on my pants leg---
So I have washed them twice & then again with ammonia---now drying out side on the line.
Well now---I can still smell hydraulic oil on my jeans---though they not completely dry.
So what is the best way to get rid of that smell---I'm afraid to put my jeans into mt chest of drawers ---perhaps the smell will contaminate my other jeans.
HELP Please & thanks. 
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Hydraulic OIL STAIN
Skip, depending on how much oil you have left in the material, you have 2 choices.
The first one, Dawn dish detergent, and lots of it. The stuff they tout on the commercials they use to clean wildlife after an oil spill. It breaks up oil like nothing I've ever seen!
The second is a little harsher. They sell stuff at most home centers and hardware stores to dissolve oil that has been spilled on pavement or concrete floors. Read the labels, some say to avoid contact with wood, don't use those, they're to strong an acid formulation. Use the ones that say 'won't harm plants' or some such language.
Best of luck.
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Hydraulic OIL STAIN
Then there is short pants. Could not resist that. Got the idea for Ole Jeffery. Anyknow if he is still running in circles, well not really circles you know but with the little lace around the top of his tractor. Yeah I know, been quite too long.
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Hydraulic OIL STAIN
Keep them in a plastic bag. Then when you have to relocate a live-trapped skunk, ....
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Hydraulic OIL STAIN
Keep them in a plastic bag. Then when you have to relocate a live-trapped skunk, ....
That is funny, don't care who you are and we don't even have the four legged skunks here. One question, will the skunk hold his nose due to the hyd oil smell?
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