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Dr Khonsary Joke of the Day
My dad is 91 and he goes to see his Dr once a week, the best part of the visit is that his near octagenarian Physician tells him his weekly joke..
The fact that my Dad can remeber and tell them to me is a sign that his weekly visits are worth while, though I am sure that this is why health care costs so much... but at least we are laughing our way to the poor house...
Here is last weeks' joke.
" A man is driving over a hundred MPH on coastal US Highway 1 in southern California when a police officer pulls him over. The officer asks to see his license and registration. The driver replies that he does not have a license and that he was drinking heavily and selling narcotics at a local bar where he got in a fight in the parking lot and killed his buyer, then stole his victims car, put the body in the trunk, and he was now on his way to Mexico to get rid of the body.
The officer returns to his cruiser and radios his headquarters and gets the chief and asks for backup. The chief arrives and approaches the vehicle, asks for the drivers license and registration, the driver gives him both, the chief asks to look in the trunk, the driver says no problem, the chief looks and its empty... The chief is dumbfounded, returns to the driver saying I don't understand what my officer is talking about. To which the driver replies, he'll probably tell you I was going a hundred MPH as well!"
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Dr Khonsary Joke of the Day
There is one that keeps making the local circuit which just makes me think has a base to it.
During a trial this elderly lady is on the stand and one of the attorneys ask if she knows him. To which she says yes I know you. You are drunk, cheat on your wife and lie. Startled he finally ask does she know the other attorney to which she goes yes and then list his sins which are also many and as terrbile. The judge at once demands both to meet in his Chambers to which he tells them if either ask if she knows me I will see to it you are disbarred.
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Dr Khonsary Joke of the Day
Dr K's joke from 2 weeks prior:
"A police officer chases a very old woman who is speeding, passing cars on the shoulder... He finally pulls her over and asks her why she was driving so fast, she relies that she has to drive fast or she will forget where she is going...
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