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Saying I love you
Some times us males find it hard to say I love you. Today my older sister would be 70 years old. Sadly she passed away 7 1/2 years ago. TP had a hit earlier this year with the passing of Jeff Ordway, Earthwrks.
So let me tell each of you thanks for being great friends and help in so many ways. Take care, I don't have any friends to spare! The type of people here are the type who offer solutions and helping hand. Hard to beat that.
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Saying I love you
Wise words indeed there Kenny.
A very good friend of mine has a wife who is just a plain ole' addict when it comes to arts & crafts and such. A number of years back he took the plunge and built a new house, by himself mostly, and he's a good carpenter so he made out OK, mostly. 
It wasn't too long into the process however that the first of a zillion little questions & problems came up. Each time his wife would call me, he was usually busy banging away at something in the background, to ask what should be done. Each time she got any answer or help they needed. That summer they borrowed almost everything I own at one point or another.
At the house warming party they singled me out for 'special thanks' for all the help I'd given, especially the advice, and presented me with a hand-made mug (I usually showed up with coffee when I came to help).
On the mug was a simple little phrase she had hand lettered, it reads "Friendship isn’t a big thing ... it’s a million little things.".
To this day that mug is still what pours the much needed caffeine into this ole' bruised body.
Best of luck.
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Saying I love you
That is so true Murf. To me that is a lot of what I have found at TP. Still remember the way I was greeted here and how "polite" my question was answered in some degree as one posted something like you got a big piggy bank? Over the years there have been many here who gave a little help along and along. BTW have a special mug given to me by a former client and friend who passed not many months after giving it to me. Careful with it.
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Saying I love you
It has been a great ride building this site and having so many members to share the ride with. Sometimes I lose site of how long ago I started this journey.
1998 I formed the site as the Compact Tractor Board CTB
1999 Murf joins the board as well as Billy Passmore
2000 along comes DRankin and Art White
2002 Hardwood joins the group
2003 Ken Schumm arrives
2005 Ken Thompson who banters with EW regularly
2007 Auerbach joins the group
and many many others ......
So its been fouteen years now... it must be love.. we have been together twice as long as the average marriage !!
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Saying I love you
Wow, I been around here for ten years. I guess the old saying "Time flys when you are having fun" still holds true.
I have sort of a ritual that I run thru every morning checking web sites that I chat with others on. TP was the first site that I actively corresponded with others on.
Most of the old regulars here I have a mental picture of what they look like, but I'm likely wrong.
Our oldest son spends a good deal of his day on the phone talking with his customers most of whom he has never met in person. I asked him once about meeting some of his customers in person that he has talked with on the phone for years if these people looked like he thought they would. He said that for the most part no, they looked entirely different than he thought they would.
Well anyhow no matter what any of you look like it sure has been a great ten years for me. So for as long as I am able to click the keys on the keyboard I'm looking forward to as many more as the man upstairs allows me to be around here.
Some of the newer technoligys and brands that have gotten ahead of me don't give me much to comment on, I'll have to rely on our younger members to help me out with that but the older things I will continue to try to help out with.
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Saying I love you
KT, I can tell you it's painful when your father goes. Worse when your mother follows. But the loss of a sister, even an older one, for me was the hardest of all. It's not a passing that you expect to witness, and it serves to emphasize our own mortality.
For what it's worth, I'm with you.
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Saying I love you
what a great way to say thank you
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