How to build a Catapult
Let me start off by saying, "HAPPY NEW YEAR".
I don't know about all y'all out there but I get a little restless during holidays when yo suppose to be eating and setting on the couch I prefer to be productive. This year my heart is set on a catapult. I don't really know if that is the correct way to spell it but if not i'm sorry. Since I have received so much good information about so many things I know several ideas are out here and I hope willing to be shared.
Catapult: [my definition] a device with it"s sole purpose of moving or projecting an object from one place to another very quickly and with a janky out of the norm kinda style. Another thing they are called around here is a "punkin'chunker".
I have checked out a few and the kind that I am going to more than likely build is the one with a car front coil spring. That being attached some how to a ratchet something maybe like on my old boat trailer. I have never seen one built in quiet this manner though it has potential . . I think?.!?.
If anyone has any good advice on how to or what not to do, it will be greatly appreciated or considered at the least.
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How to build a Catapult
What do you plan on launching? And do you have a target in mind
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How to build a Catapult
I received a book for Christmas entitled 'Backyard Ballistics' by William Gurstelle (potato cannons, match rockets, tennis ball mortars. etc.) in the back of the book he also lists several other 'exciting' titles... one is "The Art of the Catapult-build Greek ballistae,, English trebuchets, and more ancient artillery" also by the smae author. ISBN number 978-1-55652-526-1 , by Chicago Review Press, $16.95.... plus he has other books on pyromaniac things, flamethrowers...
These books seem to be on the 'tamer' side of things so you may just have to 'upscale' there projects.
I know my friend from college he lived the 'engineering dorm' they build a catapult using a coil springs from a truck if memory serves me.. they hit 'objects' 1/3+mile away until it was off course and hit a college shuttle bus-no one hurt but rattled. Engineering professors kind a knew which group but threaten all eng students to dismantle and remove from campus. That was close to 40 yrs ago
Happy researching---
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How to build a Catapult
Hi, I suggest you start your research here.
There are many ingeniousness variations. I have friends that are wold champions in their class (Fibonacci), their's is hydraulically powered!
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How to build a Catapult
i am planning on chunkin' pumpkins mostly but i am pretty much open to all larger produce. i have several tater guns and other than potatoes, i have learned how to shoot playdoh and something similiar to carp bait. sounds crazy but it is really fun.
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How to build a Catapult
i willcheck it out either later tonight or tomorrow. i have been working on my rover, and wasn't able to get in til late and then too tired to get on computer. had a short in my winch. long story, melt down etc. a different topic for later. thanks for the infoot sounds interesting. i have never got anything to go close to a 1/3 of a mile but i have sent a tater off the back porch and it travel about 250 yards but we live down 5 mile dirt road so nothing nut a cow maybe to hit and i wouldn't try to be near them though i don't have that much info yet as to where anything i may chunk will land.
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How to build a Catapult
i had no clue they could be made hydraulically. i guess i have never considered it on that level. i have seen some awesome tater guns but i appreciate the link and i am looking forward to checking it out. i am using a [retty basic design. i think it is more on the lines of beginners series. i would have done got it put together but i had some truck maintenance to attend to that was pretty time consuming. i have located all my parts that i have thought i might need so far and right after lunch tomorrow, rain or shine [ as long as it is not lightening] assembly begins! thanks again.
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How to build a Catapult
well einnoc first have missed seeing you here and glad to have a fellow SC member. Your post did cause me to look and think you will have to launch hundred miles before I am concerned. 
I do agree there is fun in watching something go pow. I have a tree you can use for target if you wish to, need it knocked off the dirt pile it is on. Might be a good topic for here.
Do post pictures. Are there any pumpkin throw contest or such in your area? Would be fun to see live.
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How to build a Catapult
i dont know of any contest right off for projecting anything but it should be huh?i do enjoy a good pow when done in allfun of course.i will post some pictures as soon as i can. i havent been able to locate your tree yet not even with my telescope. but as soon as i do locate it i will take care of that standing on the hill problem you're having with it. 
maybe we should just come up with our own chunkin contest!
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How to build a Catapult
I made a Trebuchet (often called a "siege machine" years back, used it to launch rocks out into the lake at my summer place. Many smiles per hour!!
The big advantage over a true catapult is that a trebuchet uses gravity against a lever, not stored kinetic energy. In plain language, little chance of something bad happening.
I've got an Excel spreadsheet I made up that scales everything for you based on some inputs, how big, how much weight you want to launch, etc., etc.
In my case the ballast was easy, poly water drums filled with water. Empty to move lever to firing position, pump them full to fire.
It would send a rock bigger than a basketball 300-500' out into the lake.
Best of luck.
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