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Super Bowl or Ice Bowl or Who Cares Bowl
My son and I were out and there was a sign that advertised the super bowl. It had in large letters Super Bowl XLVIII. First enigma for him was what did XLVIII mean then why did they do it. The answer I think is to make it seem grander than 48 does by itself.
As Super Bowl 48 comes to NJ this year hopefully the playoff game will seem slightly more real than seeing it played in Honolulu! But these match ups seem to me to always be a disappointment, as they are not played at either participants home field. How about a best of three tournament style series played at each teams stadium with free seats for season ticket holders instead of the price gouging that goes on.. 
Could we handle 3 weekends of football, why not ...
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Super Bowl or Ice Bowl or Who Cares Bowl
I'm not an "Extreme" football fan, about a half hour is enough then the remote goes into action.
My disappointment with professional big money sports began with NASCAR. When the days of anyone qualified to drive could trailer their own car in behind their own pickup, drive it them self. Plus when a Chevy was a Chevy and a Ford was a Ford instead of all identical jelly bean shaped cars, I lost interest.
NASCAR is nothing but a big money operation.
The same goes for many other professional sports, why do we make exceptions for OVER PAID baseball stars who use performance enhancing drugs that are supposed to be illegal?
Thank goodness the remote will get me to the Science channel, the Smithsonian channel, etc, that have some useful information plus good entertainment. And don't forget our public channels, they have some really good stuff on Nova for example.
The old fudddy duddy, Frank.
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Super Bowl or Ice Bowl or Who Cares Bowl
How about an outdoor NHL hockey game in Los Angeles (last Saturday)? That had to be the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen in Pro sports. As the Brits would say, I was "Gobsmacked".
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